Help From A Friend

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A few hours earlier at the statue in front of the school. Sunset was going to go back to the world that she was originally from to get help from an old friend. A friend who helped her change for the better a while back. Which is also why she arrived at CHS much earlier thatn the others.

Sunset: *takes deep breath* " goes nothing"

Sunset instantly entered through a portal in the statue and appeared in another world. But she had also transformed from a human to a pony. And it also appears that another pony was waiting for her arrival.

Sunset: shortly after meeting up with Princess Twilight, I explained everything about Leo having amnesia and how the other students at CHS have lost their memories as well. Twilight said that she had an idea on how to fix this problem, and I was glad that there was something I could do to help everyone. However, I struck with a bit of fear and nervousness when Twilight mentioned that the only one who might be able to help was somepony I haven't talked to since I had left Equestria...Princess Celestia. And the last time I saw her...I ran to another world and abandoning my studies. Not long after, I stole Twilight's crown and ended up turning myself into a monster. Not to mention all the horrible things I did back then. But I guess I don't have a choice in the matter, as I needed to do whatever I could to help my friends.

Sunset and Twilight traveled to Canterlot in an hour and walked all the way to the castle. However, Sunset was still a bit nervous about seeing Princess Celestia again. But Twilight assured her that everything would be ok; while also putting some of Sunsets nervousness at ease.

They soon found themselves inside the throne room, where Princess Celestia and Luna were waiting for them. But as they got closer, Princess Celestia walked towards them with a very upsetting look. Which made Sunset very nervous and scared. So she ended up hiding behind Twilight.

Twilight: "So...Princess Celestia *laughs nervously* you'll never guess who's back". "Actually, maybe you can guess cuz she's right here". "Um..."

Twilight looked at Celestia to see her still making a very upsetting look.

Twilight: *whispers to Sunset* "Am I helping"?

Sunset: *takes deep breath* "Princess Celestia...the last time we saw each other, I was your snide little pupil who betrayed and abandoned you".

Twilight: "I wouldn't have said it that way". "Ahem...what Sunset means to say is..."

Sunset: "I mean that I come before you as a changed pony". "Humbly asking for your forgiveness, guidence, and knowledge".

Princess Celestia walked closer to Sunset. But she was still wearing the unsetting look that made Sunset even more.

Sunset: "Or I can just go and you never have to see me again".

Suddenly, Princess Celestia placed her hoof under Sunset's chin and lifted her head so that she was looking at her.

Celestia: *smiles* "I've missed you... Sunset Shimmer".

Just then, Sunset felt herself ready to cry once she heard those words.

Sunset: "I'm so sorry"

Right as she said that, she and and Celestia gave each other a hug. While Twilight was squealing in happiness upon witnessing the moment.

Later, Sunset and Twilight were walking along side the two princess. While talking about the situation back in Sunset's world.

Celestia: "I am not familiar with the exact spell that could've erased your friend's memories". "But it sounds like equestrian magic is at work in your world".

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