The Foot Strikes Back

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Weeks had gone by since the Kraang invasion and the city was still being repaired. But just because that was the case, didn't mean that school was over though.

Rainbow Dash: *groans* "That quiz was brutal"!

Twilight: "Well then maybe you should've studied".

Slash: "Oh-ho" *gives Twilight a high three*

Rainbow Dash: "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up why don't ya".

Fluttershy: "I thought the quiz was quite easy".

Sunset: "Considering what you and Leo did back in Mr. Cranky Doodle's class, I'd say you have good reason to think it was easy".


In Cranky Doodle's classroom, the ninjas were sitting in their seats and minding their own business until Cranky Doodle himself entered.

Cranky Doodle: "Alright kids, notebooks away". "Quiz time"!

Everyone: *groans*

Cranky Doodle hands out the quizes and returns to his desk.

Cranky Doodle: "Only number two pencils, got it"! "Okay..begin"!

Everyone started on their quizes. Trixie groaned as she was not ready. However, she suddenly saw Leo get Fluttershy's attention. As the two of them set next to each other, Trixie watched as Leo made hand signals to Fluttershy while she was writing on her quiz paper.

Fluttershy: *whispers* "Oh I see, if I use four and divide them equally". "That sounds like a solution to my problem". "Thanks Leo".

Fluttershy gave Leo a thumbs up. Trixie however couldn't believe what she was watching. Leo and Fluttershy were cheating on the quiz. So she figured she should tell on them to teach them a lesson.

Trixie quickly stands up and raises her hand.

Trixie: "Mr. Doodle"!

Cranky Doodle: "Yes"?

Trixie: "The honest and observant Trixie has reason to believe that Fluttershy and Leonardo are cheating"!

Everyone: *gasps*

Trixie: "Yes, I saw Leonardo communicating with Fluttershy with sign language".

Cranky Doodle: "Fluttershy, Leonardo, cheating is a serious offense".

Fluttershy: "I swear, Leo and I weren't cheating". "Leo was just telling me how to fix my kusarigama chain".

Trixie: "Ha, sounds made up".

Fluttershy: "No-no-no-no, see my kusarigama was broken during the Kraang invasion". "And I've been having trouble fixing it". "And Leo was just telling me how to do it properly".

Leo: "Sorry I broke it by the way".

Fluttershy: "Oh, it's okay". "But Leo and I studied really hard for this test".

Trixie: *smirks* "Sure you did"

Leo glares at Trixie as he stands up.

Leo: "Hey, my sister and I know our stuff"!

Trixie: *smirks* "So prove it then"

Fluttershy stands up while glaring at Trixie as she and Leo walked up to the chalkboard. Leo erased what was on the board as Fluttershy handed him a stick of chalk while holding one of her own. Both Leo and Fluttershy then looked at Cranky Doodle with determined looks.

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