Demon Ravagers

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Later that night in the city, the ninjas were out on patrol in the Shellraiser. So far, it was a peaceful night. But Rainbow Dash was itching for some action.

Rainbow Dash: *sighs* "Okay THAT'S IT"! "I need something to do otherwise I'm gonna die from bordum".

Leo: *driving* "We're not going to see action every night Rainbow".

Rainbow Dash: *groans* "I just wish something would just happen already".

Suddenly, Twilight saw something on the monitor flashing.

Twilight: "Hey guys, something's happening in the south side of the city".

Sunset: "Looks like that new detection system you've installed is working".

Rainbow Dash: "OH YEAH"! "It's ninja time"!

Leo turned the wheel and made the Shellraiser drift before driving off towards the location Twilight had marked.

Upon arriving, the ninjas found none other than the Honey Badger Ravagers causing trouble for people.

Wallflower: "Not those guys again". *pulls out her kama*

Rainbow Dash: "Oh well *pulls out tanto* let's just go show them not to mess with our city". *smirks*

The ninjas got out of the Shellraiser to fight the ravagers. Twilight however stayed in the Shellraiser and used the garbage cannon to shoot the Honey Badger Ravagers.

Leo ducked under a punch from a badger and kicking him in the back. Sunset jumped off of the badger that Leo kicked before throwing an electro shuriken at a group of badgers. The badgers were quickly stunned by the shuriken. Giving Slash the chance to run up and knock them all down with his mace.

Fluttershy backflip kicked a badger, hit on across the face with her nunchuck, and shot another in the shoulder with an arrow.

Wallflower ducked under a punch before kicking the badger in the leg. He was then shot by a ball of compressed garbage. Wallflower looked behind her and gave a thumbs up to Twilight, who returned the gesture.

Rainbow Dash ran in and kick a badger while also jumping off of him to kick down another badger. She blocked an attack with her tanto before quickly ducking down and kicking a badger in the leg and knocked him away with a spin kick.

Rainbow Dash: *smirks* "This is just too easy".

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash was punched across the face and was sent flying backwards and hitting the Shellraiser. The ninjas quickly ran to her to see if she was okay. But then, a honey badger ravager with metal arms and a robotic eye walked towards them.

???: "'re the ones that ran my boys off the road the other night". "To be honest, I expected all of you to be tougher". "I'm hardly even intimidated".

Leo/Fluttershy: *helps Rainbow Dash get up*

Rainbow Dash: "Well you better get intimidated". "Because we're like nothing you've ever seen".

???: "Oh yeah, I should be terrified of a little pipsqueak that I knocked down so easily".

All of the badgers laugh at that, making Rainbow Dash growl in anger.

Leo: "Who are you"?

???: "You may call me Verminator Rex, leader of the Honey Badger Ravagers". "And we've got unfinished business with the seven of you".

Sunset: "They wanted us to come here".

Verminator Rex: "Smart girl".

Rainbow Dash: "Yeah...well it's going to take a lot more than an oversized skunk to take me out".

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