Race the Demon Part 1

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In the evening at Leo and Fluttershy's house, Leo was sitting in the backyard meditating. While Fluttershy, Slash, and Rainbow Dash were sitting on the porch watching what was happening.

Rainbow Dash: "I thought Leo was going to use his swords".

Slash: "Leo hasn't used his swords since you know what".

Rainbow Dash: "Oh...I didn't know he stopped using them completely".

Fluttershy: "Shh...Leo is trying to concentrate".

Leo was still meditating, but then three figures jumped out of the shadows with wooden swords and went to attack Leo. Leo quickly avoided one of the figures' attack when they got close and kicked them to the ground. Leo then performed a spin kick but the figure behind him ducked under it. The figure raised their sword and swung it downward to hit Leo. But Leo managed to catch the sword before it could hit him. He then broke the sword apart, grabbed the figure's arm and pulled them towards him; while simultaneously kicking them into the air and land on the ground behind him. The final figure charged at Leo who also did the same. The figure swung their sword at Leo. But Leo ducked under it and tripped the figure, making them hit the ground. Leo stood up straight and heard the three figures groan. The figures got back up and revealed themselves to be Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, and Wallflower Blush.

Leo: "You girls did pretty good". *helps Twilight up*

Sunset: "Thanks Leo"

Wallflower: "I never imagined it would be this hard". 'Not to mention painful'.

Fluttershy: "I thought the same thing when Leo first started training me".

Leo: "Well...you'll get better at this in due time".

Twilight: "Is there any advice you want to give us"?

Leo: "Sure...Sunset, you need to act quicker". "Twilight, you need be faster on your counter attack". "And Wallflower, you need to mind your footwork".

Sunset: "We'll be sure to keep that in mind".

Wallflower: "Wait...I have a question".

Leo: "What is it Wallflower"?

Wallflower: "How come Zephyr isn't training with us".

Fluttershy: "Because I told Leo not to train him...ever".

Leo: *whispers to Wallflower* "She thinks he will hurt himself or get himself into trouble".

Wallflower: * whispers* "Oh...ok"

Slash: "I think its best that we all get some rest". "The sun is starting to set and we have a lot of work to do tomorrow".

Rainbow Dash: "Yeah...like getting ourselves ready for the Friendship Games".

Twilight started to get very nervous when she heard Rainbow Dash mention the Friendship Games. The reason being that CHS would be competing in the games against Crystal Prep. Leo took notice of this and got worried about her.

Leo: "Twilight are you ok"?

Twilight: *laughs nervously* "I'm fine"

Leo was about to say something, but Twilight interrupted him before he got the chance.

Twilight: "I better get going...Shining Armor will get worried if I'm out for too long".

Leo: "Uh...ok...see you tomorrow Twilight".

Twilight: "Bye everyone"

Everyone watched as Twilight walked away. But everyone could tell that something wasn't right.

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