Secret of Crystal Prep

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The Friendship Games were only a few weeks away, and everyone was doing their best to train for the upcoming events. But right now, Rainbow Dash thought it would be a good idea to spy on Crystal Prep.

Rainbow Dash: *drops down from a tree* "Crystal Prep High School...the competition".

Rainbow Dash went towards the school. Hiding from bush to bush until finally coming to a stop. She looked around to see many Crystal Prep students training. But she then noticed that someone wasn't there with her.

Rainbow Dash: *whispers* "Leo, where are you"?

Leo: *whispers* "I'm right here"

Rainbow Dash looked to see that Leo was right beside her.

Rainbow Dash: *whispers* "Okay good"

Leo: *whispers* "I still don't understand why you had to bring me along".

Rainbow Dash: *whispers* "Because everyone else was busy".

Leo: *whispers* "So you just decided to bring me to help you spy on Crystal Prep"?

Rainbow Dash: *whispers* "Yes...well that and I need your help to find out what is happening in the school".

Leo: *whispers* "What do you mean by that"?

Rainbow Dash: *pulls Leo closer and whispers* "There has been word that something weird is going on in Crystal Prep".

Leo: *whispers* "And I'm guessing you want to find out what is happening".

Rainbow Dash: *nods "yes"*

Leo: *sighs and whispers* "Fine I'll help"

Rainbow Dash: *whispers* "YES, now come on". *sneaks toward the school building*

Leo: *follows Rainbow Dash*

Leo and Rainbow Dash snuck towards the school and entered through an open window. They then found themselves in one of the classrooms. And they were lucky that there weren't any students around. Because of there being many students in the hallway, Leo and Rainbow Dash had to sneak around through the air vents. After crawling through the vents for a while, they found themselves to be directly over the principal's office. Leo silently removed the vent cover and both he and Rainbow Dash dropped down into the room.

Leo: "Okay, so what exactly are we supposed to be looking for"?

Rainbow Dash: "I don't know, just look for anything that looks weird or something".

Leo: "Sure, whatever you say Rainbow".

Leo searched the filing cabinets while Rainbow Dash searched the rest of the room. After a few minutes, Rainbow Dash started checking the principal's desk. After going through some of the desk dawers, she had found something interesting hidden in a secret compartment in one of the drawers. Leo had also found something of interest when he pushed a filing cabinet away from the wall.

Leo: *takes object and puts filing cabinet back in place* "Hey Rainbow I think I might've found something".

Rainbow Dash: "So did I, check this out". *holds up object*

Leo: "What is it"?

Rainbow Dash: "I don't know, some kind of necklace I think".

Leo: "I looks more like some sort of device to me". "Maybe we should have Twilight have a look at it".

Rainbow Dash: "Good idea, so what did you find".

Leo: *holds up file* "I found this file hidden behind one of the cabinets".

Rainbow Dash: " what's so weird about it"?

Leo: "See for yourself" *opens file*

Rainbow Dash looked and shocked at the sight of it's contents. Inside was a picture of a canister of mutagen and several writings that were written in an unknown language.

Rainbow Dash: "This is defenitely weird". "Why would this be here at Crystal Prep"?

Leo: "I don't know, but I think its best that we take these with us to find out more".

Rainbow Dash: "Yeah"

Suddenly, they heard someone walking towards the the room they were currently in. Acting quickly, they put everything back into place and climbed back into the air vents. Leo put the vent cover back into place before following Rainbow Dash.

Back at the principal's office, Principal Cinch entered with a confused look on her face. She looked around for a bit to see nothing.

Cinch: "That's strange, I could've swore I heard voices in here".

Principal Cinch just shrugs it off and just goes to her desk.

Meanwhile, Leo and Rainbow Dash went out of the school through the window. They then snuck out of the school grounds and ran down the road. However, they were completely unaware that they were being watched and followed by someone.

Rainbow Dash: *running* "Come on Leo, we have to get to Twilight's house"!

Leo: *running* "I'm running as fast as I can Rainbow"!

They ran down to the street where Twilight's house. But when they turned the corner, they were stopped by a strange woman.

Rainbow Dash: "Who the heck are you"?

???: "Hello, I'm Ms. Campbell".

Rainbow Dash: "Okay...and why are you here exactly"? 'Not to mention, why are you talking like a robot'?

Ms. Campbell: "I believe the the two of you are in posession of things that be long to me".

Leo: "Uh...Rainbow Dash..."

Rainbow Dash: "Yeah well how about you come and try to take it from us".

Leo: *face palms*

Ms. Campbell: "As you wish"

Suddenly, Ms. Campbell's eyes turned completely red before she ran towards Leo and Rainbow Dash. Leo leaped out of the way, but Rainbow Dash ended up getting caught and thrown into a car.

Rainbow Dash: "Okay *rubs head* she's a lot tougher that she looks".

Leo came in behind Ms. Campbell and kicked her in the back of her head. But when he did, her head suddenly turned backwards to face Leo.

Leo: "WOAH that is disturbing"!

Ms. Campbell's body turned around to face Leo. She then raised her arms and her elbows opened up to fire missiles at Leo.

Leo: "AAAAAHHHHHHH" *leaps out of the way*

Leo dodged the missiles that were fired at him before he quickly ran up and hit Ms. Campbell in the face with his knee. This caused her face to come flying off to reveal wires in her face. Rainbow Dash came running in with her tanto and sliced off Ms. Campbell's arms before sweeping her off her feet and stabbing her.

Rainbow Dash: "What...was that"?!

Leo: "It looks like some kind of robot".

Rainbow Dash: "Whatever it is, it wanted whatever we took from Crystal Prep".

Leo: "Come on, lets go and tell the others about this".

Rainbow Dash: *nods and runs off*

Leo was about run after Rainbow Dash, but stopped and grabbed the robot and took it with him.

To be continued

TMNT belongs to Nickelodeon

MLP belongs to Hasbro

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