Family is Everything

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The very next morning, Leo woke up due to having the same nightmare of when he lost his family. Only this was much worse than before. The nightmare has been getting more frightening every night. But Leo just got over how he was feeling at the moment and went to check on Fluttershy. She was still sick, but she was getting better. He then made his way downstairs to pack a few things in a small basket. Once he was done, he was already walking out the door.

Leo walked around the city until he got to a flower shop. He went inside and bought 5 different flowers, each having a different color. After that, he walked all the way to the cemetery.

Walking through the cemetery, Leo came upon five graves with different items sitting next to each of them. The first one had a pair of nunchucks and an orange ninja mask. The second one had a bo staff and a purple mask. The third one had a pair of sais and a red mask. The fourth one had a sword that was similar to Leo's katana and also a tessen. The final grave had a green walking stick. The graves were the very places where Leo's brothers, sister, and father were buried. And today happens to be the anniversary of their deaths. The memories of what happened on that day haunted Leo for the rest of his life.

Leo walked by each grave while placing a flower in front of each of them.

Leo: "'s been a while hasn't it"? "I...I've been thinking about all of you lately...a lot more than I usually am". "It's been years since that day and...*tears form in his eyes* I'm still living everyday with the pain of when I lost all of you". "I always keep myself from showing my feelings to everyone...well except Fluttershy". "But...this pain I's gotten worse recently". "The nightmare I always have almost every night started getting worse as time passes". "I don't know why exactly". "Maybe...I'm scared that what happened will happen again". *starts to cry* "It's just been so hard without all of you". "I don't even think I know what to do with myself anymore". "I just...I don't know what I can do...if anything was to happen to my friends". "I don't want what happened to all of you to happen to them". "I...I..."

Leo couldn't even speak any longer. He just fell down to the ground in tears. He just couldn't bare seeing his new family suffer the same fate as his old one did. But as he was crying, he didn't notice a light appearing above one of the graves. A ghostly figure appeared once the light had disappeared. Leo stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

???: "Hey little brother"

Leo instantly recognized that voice. It belonged to his big sister Karai. Also know as Miwa Hamato, daughter of Hamato Yoshi.

Leo: ' couldn't be her...I watched her die'.

Leo looked up only to be face to face with his older sister Karai. Leo was now completely speechless.

Leo: "K...Karai"?

Karai: "'s me Leo"

Leo instantly got up and gave her a big hug as tears fell down from his eyes. Karai hugged him back as a few tears formed in her eyes. Even though she was a spirit, she was still able to do the things she would normally be able to do when she was alive.

Leo: *crying* "I...I can't believe you're actually here".

Karai: "Like I would actually stand around and let you cry for an hour".

Leo: *laughs a little and lets go of Karai* "You're still the same as you were years ago".

Karai: "And I'm not changing at all".

Leo: *wipes tears away* " are you here"? " I just imagining all of this"?

Karai: "You are not imagining anything Leo, I am completely real. The others and I have attained a higher spiritual plain of existance".

???: "Passing into death, we merged with the hole of life".

Leo looked to his left to see Master Splinter standing there. Mikey, Donnie, and Raph were there as well.

Splinter: "We've become one with all of nature". "In all of the universe". "Even with you my son".

Mikey: "YEAH...we're like...spirit ninja turtles now".

Raph: *slaps Mikey in the back of the head*

Leo: "I...I don't thing I can go on without all of you".

Splinter: "You must Leonardo, you are the sensei now". "Your friends need you my son". "To guide them through the challenges that you will face ahead".

Leo: " will I know if I'm strong enough to face those challenges"?

Raph: "That's the thing won't know".

Donnie: "But you'll have your friends to help you every step of the way".

Mikey: "And we'll be here to watch over you".

Karai: "They're right Leo, we'll always be here for you". "And're a lot stronger than you think you are".

Suddenly, music started to play and Karai started to sing.

Karai: In a perfect story book, the world is brave and good
A hero takes your hand, a sweet love will follow
But life's a different game, the sorrow and the pain
Only you can change your world tomorrow

Let your smile light up the sky
Keep your spirit soaring high

Trust in your heart and your sun shines forever and ever
Hold fast to kindness, your light shines forever and ever
I believe in you and me
We are strong

When 'once upon a time' in stories and in ryhme
A moment you can shine and wear your own crown
Be the on that rescues you
Through the clouds, you'll see the blue

Trust in your heart and your sun shines forever and ever
Hold fast to kindness, your light shines forever and ever
I believe in you and me
We are strong

A bird all alone on the wind can still be strong and sing Sing

Trust in your heart and your sun shines forever and ever
Hold fast to kindness, your light shines forever and ever
I believe in you and me
We are strong

When Karai stopped singing, everyone came together for a group hug. But once Leo let go of the hug, everyone around him had disappeared. Leaving Leo alone at the cemetery. But what was different now was that he now had a smile on his face. The words spoken from his family members helped him relieve some of his pain. Now he knew he had to be strong, and do whatever it takes to help his friends face whatever challenge is thrown at them.

To be continued

TMNT belongs to Nickelodeon

MLP belongs to Hasbro

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