Cold Blooded Visitor

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The ninjas have engaged in a battle against the Kraang. They were trying to stop them from using an energy cannon that could tear up several city blocks.

Kraang: "Kraang, destroy those who call themse-"

The kraang droid couldn't finish it's sentence as Slash knocked it into a wall.

Slash: "Hitting kraang droids never gets old". *dodges lazer*

Fluttershy leaps from behind cover and shot two kraang droids in the head. Rainbow Dash leaped off some boxes and tackled two krang droids to the ground before slicing them apart with her tanto. Twilight deflected lazer shots with her sword until she got close enough to the kraang droids to slice them apart. Sunset grabbed Wallflower's arms and spun her around. Knocking down several kraang droids. Sunset then threw Wallflower at a group of kraang droids. Allowing her to kick two of them into a wall before jumping into the air and throwing shurikens at the remaining droids.

Leo: *spin kicks a kraang droid* "Twilight, get to the cannon"!

Twilight: *slices a kraang droid* "On it Leo"!

Twilight ran straight for the bomb to defuse it. But before she could get to it, she was suddenly surrounded by kraang droids. All of them aimed their weapons at Twilight.

Slash: "Hold on Twilight"!

Slash ran and knocked down several kraang droids with a shoulder tackle. He then grabbed a kraang droid by it's leg anf threw it at other kraang droids.

Kraang: "Kraang, the time that is now is the time to do that which is known as retreat".

All of the kraang droids started moving the cannon away. All while the ninjas were fighting to get to it.

Rainbow Dash: "They're getting away"!

Slash: "Not if I can help it"!

Slash charges at the kraang droids to try and get to the cannon. But right as he got close, he was shot in the head by a lazer and fell unconscious.

Fluttershy: "SLASH"!

The kraang droids walked up and dragged Slash away with them. The ninjas fought their hardest to save their friend. But by the time they finished the rest of the kraang droids, they were too late.

Fluttershy broke down crying shortly after. Leo put a hand on her shoulder as she quickly pulled him into a hug as she cried.

Leo: "We'll get him back Fluttershy...I promise".

Fluttershy nodded slightly and continued hugging Leo tightly. She was extreamly worried about Slash. And was afraid of what the Kraang are doing to him.

Meanwhile down in a Kraang base

Slash: *groans* "What happened, where am I"?

Slash stood up and foundhimself to be inside some sort of prison cell. He looked outside the window to see kraang droids walking by.

Slash: "The Kraang...oh no...I have to get out of here and get back to the others".

Slash started banging on the door, trying to break it down. But he didn't even leave a scratch.

Slash: *punches the door* "OW...what the shell is this thing made of"?

Slash rubbed his fist when the door suddenly opened to reveal six kraang droids.

Kraang: "The one known as Slash shall be coming with Kraang".

Slash: "And what makes you blobs think I'm going anywhere with you"?

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