Important Findings

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Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash and Slash were looking around the school. Looking for anything that could give them a clue as to what happened to Leo. They've also been asking other students if they knew anything.

At first, their search wasn't going well. Or at least until Rainbow Dash talked with Micro Chips, who mentioned something about seeing a bright light in the school garden a while back. With this information, Rainbow Dash and Slash quickly made their way to the garden to find out what happened.

Rainbow Dash: "Alright...let's see if we can find anything here".

Slash: *nods*

The two of them searched different place within the garden. The only noticeable thing that they could see were three small rock formations in the center. Slash was looking around them for anything that could help solve this mystery. After a few minutes of searching, Slash decided to look elsewhere. But not before he stepped on a piece of paper with strange markings on it. Picking up the piece paper, he quickly examined it closely.


Rainbow Dash quickly ran to Slash to see exactly what he found.

Rainbow Dash: "What did you find"?

Slash showed her the piece of paper that he had found. Judging by the pictures, it looked like pony with a strange glowing stone.

Rainbow Dash: "What exactly is this anyway"?

Slash: "I'm not entirely sure...but I think this just gave us a clue as to what happened to Leo".

Rainbow Dash: "Then let's stop wasting time and go show this to the others".

Both Rainbow Dash and Slash ran off to tell the others what they had found. Eventually, they managed to find Leo, Twilight, and Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash: "GUYS"!

Twilight: "RAINBOW DASH"!

Fluttershy: "SLASH"!

Fluttershy and Slash hugged each other while Rainbow Dash gave both Twilight and Leo a high five. Or in Leo's case, a high three. But soon after their reunion, they all shared their findings with one another. Such as the piece of paper that Slash and Rainbow Dash had discovered. While Twilight, Fluttershy, and Leo told them about what they found out from Trixie.

Twilight: After finding out the possibility of Trixie knowing something about what happened to Leo's memories, we rushed to get some answers from her. Finding her wasn't exactly hard...since she practically gave herself away from all the fireworks she was setting off in her magic show. Though finding her was easy...getting answers from her was almost impossible. Mostly because she was more interested in talking about "The Great and Powerful Trixie." Or at least that was the case when Leo managed to convince her to talk to us, even though she seemed a bit mad at him. Neither me or Fluttershy actually know why Trixie was mad at Leo. But she eventually decided to tell us everything she knew when she found out that Leo had amnesia. Apparently, she had asked Leo for help with one of her tricks. But while he was in the middle of doing that, both of them saw strips of light flying through the air towards the back of the school. Leo went to see where they were going and told Trixie that he would be back. But unfortunately...he never did. Which I'm guessing is when Slash found him unconscious later.

Rainbow Dash: "Ok...that certainly helps".

Twilight: "And judging by that paper you and Slash found, I'd say we found what erased Leo's memories".

Leo: "But what I don't quite understand is...why the shell would someone want to erase my memories in the first place"?

Fluttershy: "Maybe Sunset would have an answer to that".

Slash: "Then we should wait until she gets back with her findings".

Twilight: "Agreed"

But before any of them could do anything else, they suddenly saw something glowing behind them. All of them turned around only to see a girl pointing a glowing stone at them. The next thing they knew, they were all shot by a beam of light and their memories started exiting their minds. Leo however, dodged the beam and ran to stop the girl by taking the stone away from her. But once he grabbed ahold of it, the stone glowed blue and Leo was engolfed by a blue aura before getting balsted away. The girl was completely surprised by this and ran away from the scene as everyone apart from Leo fell unconscious.

To be continued

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MLP belongs to Hasbro

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