A New Start

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Early the next morning, Fluttershy and Zephyr Breeze were helping Leo gathering his things for his first day at CHS. Well...actually Fluttershy was the one helping while Zephyr was just laying on the couch. You see, Leo was mostly home schooled when he came to live with Fluttershy and her family.

Leo: Are you sure I should even be going? I mean, what if no one likes me and decide to pick on me?

Fluttershy: "You'll be fine Leo, Zephyr and I will be there to help you every step of the way....right". *glares at Zephyr Breeze*

Zephyr: *feeling uneasy* 'She is so scary when she makes that face' "O-oh yeah, we will definitely help you out Leon".

Leo: *annoyed* 'I hate it when he calls me that, I mean how hard is it to say my name correctly' "I really appreciate it you guys". "By the way, is there anything that I should know about before we go"?

Fluttershy: "Well...I guess there is someone that I should warn you about".

Leo: "Who might that be"?

Fluttershy: "His name is Flash Sentry, and he sort of has a...challenging personality". *worried* 'I just hope Leo doesn't run into him today'.

Leo: "So you're telling me that he is basically a jerk to everyone".

Zephyr: "He's even worse than how Sunset Shimmer used to be".

Fluttershy: *glares at Zephyr*

Zephyr: *feeling scared* "WHAT IT'S TRUE"!

Leo: *laughs* 'Who's Sunset Shimmer'?

Fluttershy: "Anyway, lets get going Leo".

As Fluttershy said that, she quickly grabbed Zephyr and pushed him out the door and Leo just couldn't help but laugh at the moment.

After a little time passes, the three of them had arrived at CHS and was then greeted by some familiar faces. It was a giant mutant turtle named Slash (Fluttershy's boyfriend) and a girl named Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy and Slash shared a hug and a quick kiss with each other while Leo was trying to keep Zephyr from hitting on Rainbow Dash by covering his mouth whenever he tries to. But after greeting one another, Fluttershy decided to take Leo to see Principal Celestia to get his schedual and show him around.

Leo was amazed by how big the school looks from the inside. He stopped admiring things when he and Fluttershy reached the principal's office.

Fluttershy: "Principal Celestia".

Celestia: *looks up* "Why hello Fluttershy, what brings you to my office"?

Fluttershy: "Well...I was just showing Leo around the school, and I brought him here to get his schedual".

Celestia: "Oh so you're Leonardo, Fluttershy here told me all about you".

Leo: *blushes* "Um...ehehe, has she now".

Celestia: *smiles* "Indeed she has, here is your schedual and I hope you have a good experience here at Canterlot High".

Leo: "Thank you, and I will" 'hopefully'.

After meeting Principal Celestia, Fluttershy gave Leo a tour of the entire school. The two of them parted ways when the bell rang, but they agreed to meet each other during lunch period.

Leo: "So far so good, maybe this won't be as bad as I thought it would be". "I might even make some new friends".

To be continued

TMNT belongs to Nickelodeon

MLP belongs to Hasbro

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