Bully of the Sentry

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It was now time for lunch and Leo was looking forward to seeing Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Slash again. He was currently in line to get food along with Sunset Shimmer.

Once they got their food, Leo led Sunset to the table that Slash and Rainbow Dash were sitting at, but Fluttershy wasn't actually there yet. Leo told them about what happened to him and how he met Sunset. They were shocked about what he told them.

Slash: "I'm really sorry you had to go through that Sunset".

Rainbow Dash: "Yeah, and whoever this guy is, he deserves to get suspended from this school, or maybe even arrested". 'Maybe I should ask her about this guy to make sure it isn't who I think it is'.

Sunset: "Its okay...that guy has been hurting me since I started being nice to everyone".

Rainbow Dash: "This boy that was bulling you wouldn't happen to be named Flash Sentry would he".

Sunset: *tears up a little* "...Yes"

Leo: 'So that boy I saw was Flash Sentry'. 'Fluttershy wasn't joking when she said he was a jerk'.

Suddenly, there was a big group of students were gathering around in a certain part in the cafeteria. Getting curious, the four friends went towards the crowd. However, when they got there, they all realized that the reason why so many students were gathering around this area was because there was a fight. But what shocked them is that the fight was between Fluttershy and the same boy that was bullying Sunset (a.k.a Flash Sentry).


Fluttershy: "I...I said I was sorry".


Fluttershy: "B-but it was an accident".


Fluttershy was putting her stuff in her locker. Once she was done, she quickly headed to the cafeteria to meet the others. But unfortunately, she accidently bumped into someone when she got there, and that person was none other than Flash Sentry.

Fluttershy: "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry". *gasp* 'Oh no, not him'

Flash: *growls* "You just made your biggest mistake loser".

End of flashback

Fluttershy was completely terrified by what Flash was about to do to her. Fluttershy closed her eyes as Flash lifted his hand and slapped her across the face making a red mark on her cheek.

Seeing his sister getting bullied like this was enough to make Leo's blood boil.


Without hesitation, Leo quickly ran up to Flash and punched him straight in the face while also giving him a nosebleed. Everyone in the room was completely shock by what just happened.

Student Boy: *amazed* "DUDE...that mutant just punched Flash Sentry".

Rainbow Dash: *amazed* 'Whoa...I've never seen Leo this angry before'.

Sunset: *shocked* 'I've never seen anyone stand up to Flash before'.

Slash: 'I didn't think Leo had it in him'.

Flash wiped the blood off his nose and glared at Leo. He then tried to punch Leo, but ended up missing because Leo dodged out of the way. Leo jumped up into the air and kicked Flash in the back making him stumble to the ground. But as soon as Flash got back up, he was quickly met with Leo's foot kicking him in the chest.

Many of the students cheered for Leo as the fight went on. Flash hasn't landed a single hit yet. Then Flash tried to punch Leo one more time, but his attack was reversed and Leo slammed his face into a nearby wall knocking him out cold.

The entire cafeteria was dead silent after the final blow was delivered. But then everyone started getting loud again as they started chanting the word turtle as none of them actually knew his name yet.

Fluttershy was completely stunned as to what had happened. She didn't know if she was mad at Leo for picking a fight on his first day, or if she was proud of him for standing up to Flash. But she quickly remembered how overprotective Leo can act when she is in trouble. She can still recall a moment similar to this one when both her and Leo were only kids.

Rainbow Dash: "Leo.....that was AWESOME"!

Slash: "That was truly amazing Leo".

Leo: "Thanks guys"

Sunset: "Leo"

Leo: "Yes Sunset"

Sunset: "Remind me to never get on your bad side".

Leo: "Sure thing"

Leo then walked over to Fluttershy to talk to her about everything that had transpired.

Leo: "Um......Fluttershy...I...I want to say sorry to you for what happened". "I didn't want you to see me like that, and I understand if you're mad at me because of that".

Fluttershy: *couldn't get the words out of her mouth*

Leo: "Let me guess, you're both mad and proud of me".

Fluttershy: *giggles* "You know me too well".

The two of them shared a quick hug, but they quickly let go of each other when they hear someone calling Leo's name.

Leo: *looks behind him*

Celestia: "Leonardo........would mind coming to my office".

Leo: "O...okay" 'I am so dead'

Leo: *faces Fluttershy* "I'll see you later"

Fluttershy nods in understanding and Leo left with Principal Celestia. While Slash and Rainbow Dash just dragged an unconscious Flash Sentry to the nurse's office.

Sunset: "This isn't how I imagined this day would go".

Fluttershy: "I know what you mean".

To be continued

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MLP belongs to Hasbro

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