One's Greed and Fears

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A big soccer game was being held later today at Canterlot High. And both Leo and Rainbow Dash have been practicing all week for it. But right now out on the field, Rainbow Dash was currently teaching Fluttershy a little lesson with Leo standing to the side just watching the whole thing.

Rainbow Dash: "Now, what have we learned"?

Fluttershy: "Lots of control"

Rainbow Dash: "Good"

Fluttershy: "Screaming and hollering"

Rainbow Dash: "Yes, and most importantly"

Fluttershy: "Passion"

Rainbow Dash: "Right, so now that you the elements of a good cheer, let's hear one".

Fluttershy: *cheers in soft* "Yay"

Rainbow Dash: *groans and facepalms* "You're gonna cheer for us like that"? "Louder"

Fluttershy: "Yay"

Rainbow Dash: "Louder"!

Fluttershy: "Yay"

Rainbow Dash: "LOUDER"!

Fluttershy: *takes deep breath* "Yay"

Rainbow Dash: *facepalms and falls down*

Fluttershy: "Too loud"?

Leo couldn't help but smile hearing Fluttershy cheering in a very soft tone. In fact, it's one of the reasons why she's the adorable one in the family.

Leo: *chuckles* "No Fluttershy, not too loud". "But maybe a bit soft though".

Rainbow Dash: "Exactly"! "We need a good cheer if we're gonna win today's game".

Leo: "We'll be fine Rainbow". "Besides, everyone at CHS is gonna be there cheering us on". "Not just Fluttershy".

Rainbow Dash: *sighs* "Guess you're right"

Leo: "Come on, we don't wanna miss the game".

Leo, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy made their way to the CHS scoccer field. Rainbow Dash had gotten into her uniform as Leo followed her to the field. While Fluttershy made her way to the bleachers where the rest of the ninjas were. All of the students of CHS were gathered to watch the game. Where the Wondercolts were facing off against the Shadowbolt soccer team. Although unlike the Friendship Games, everyone was just there playing for fun and not just to win.

Rainbow Dash: "Alright, everyone remember the plan"?

Everyone on her team nods.

Leo: "Let's do this"

Everyone on both teams get into their positions. The second the whistle was blown, both teams charged at each other. Rainbow Dash managing to get the ball and push through the opposing team's defenses and score the first goal of the game. But later, one of the players on the Shadowbolt team got past the Wondercolt players and scored the goal. Making it so that the score was tied. Rainbow Dash storms through the defences and gets as close to the goal as she could and passed the ball so Leo and kick the ball into the top right corner of the opposing team's goal.

The match went on until there was only a few seconds left. With both teams tied with a score of five. Rainbow Dash and Leo looked at each other and nodded at each other. They quickly ran towards the goal. Leo frontflipped over a player as Rainbow Dash passed the ball to him. Leo got close and kicked the ball. Only for the goalie to block the ball and send it into the air.

Leo: "Rainbow Dash"!

Rainbow Dash quickly ran towards Leo as he ducked down and allowed her to jump off his shell and reach the ball. She then twisted her body around and knocked the ball downwards towards the goal with a backflip kick. The goalie got ready and leaped to block the ball. But unfortunately, it shot passed him and entered the goal. And with that, the whistle was blown as the game ended. With the Wondercolts winning the game with a score of six to five.

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