Undersea Mission

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On a nice day in Canterlot City, Twilight was making her way to the animal shelter where Fluttershy works. Fluttershy had called her for help when she discovered something wrong with the animals.

Twilight leaps down from a rooftop and lands perfectly on the ground across the street from the animal shelter. She quickly runs to the building and lets herself in.

Twilight: "Fluttershy, I got your call"! "What seems to be the proble-"

Twilight was completely shocked at the sight. In front of her was Fluttershy caring for lots of animals. And all of them did not look well at all.

Fluttershy turns around and gasps in relief when she spots Twilight and quickly runs up to her.

Fluttershy: "Twilight, thank goodness you're here"!

Fluttershy grabs Twilight and drags to to all of the sick animals.

Twilight: "What happened to all of these animals"?

Fluttershy: "I don't know, I was caring for them like I always do when I come to the shelter". "But during that time, I noticed some of them weren't feeling well".

Twilight: "When did this first start"?

Fluttershy: "It happend just after I refilled their water".

Twilight: "Hmm"

Twilight walks into the back to check the water. She places down her backpack and takes out a couple test tubes.

Twilight: "Fluttershy, can you help get some water samples into these test tubes".

Fluttershy nods and helps Twilight get what she needed. Once that was done, they went back to check on the sick animals.

Fluttershy: "Oh, they're not getting any better".

Twilight took out some equipment that she brought from her backpack and started analyzing the water samples.

Some time later down in the station, the ninjas were all relaxing and watching some TV. However, their time of relaxation was halt when both Twilight and Fluttershy came running into the station. With Fluttershy carrying a large beaker of strange water.

Twilight: "Guys, we have a serious problem"!

Sunset: "What is it"?

Twilight gestures for Fluttershy to place the beaker of liquid on her workbench. Which she does so as Twilight started explaining everything to everyone else.

Twilight: "Fluttershy called about the animals getting sick at the animal shelter". "So I checked the water in the shelter to see if anything was wrong with it". "And unfortunately, there is something wrong with it".

Wallflower: "What's wrong with the water"?

Twilight: "After testing the water in the shelter, I went back and looked over the files on the kraang storage device". "And apparently the Kraang are using a special process to change Earth's water into Kraang...water".

Leo: "Judging by the large beaker, I'm going to assume that the Kraang have already started changing the water".

Twilight: "That's right, I also found a low concentration of Kraang chemicals in the sewage when Fluttershy and I were on our way over here".

Twilight swipes the half eaten sandwitch from Rainbow Dash's hand.

Rainbow Dash: "Wha-HEY"! *glares*

Twilight: "Now watch what happens when I dip Rainbow's sandwitch into pure Kraang water".

Twilight dips part of the sandwitch into the Kraang water and it immediately dissolved into nothing.

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