Snakeweed in the Garden

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On a nice day like this, everyone in the city was either busy or finding a way to relax. But today, Sunset and Fluttershy were helping Wallflower carry gardening supplies to her car. Once they packed everything, they drove off in Wallflower's car.

Wallflower: "Thanks for helping me out here guys".

Sunset: "Hey, it really isn't a problem". "But I have to ask, what's all gardening supplies for"?

Wallflower: "Oh, I agreed to help Principal Celestia tend to her garden while she's gone over the week long break".

Fluttershy: "Well that sounds nice".

Wallflower: "Yeah, by the way Fluttershy, where's Leo"? "You and him are usually together".

Fluttershy: "Oh...Leo is...seeing his family today". "Today was supposed to be Master Splinter's birthday".

Wallflower: "O-Oh..."

Both Wallflower and Sunset felt sad when they heard that. They remember Leo telling them about what happened to his family many years ago.

Sunset: "No one deserves to go through something like that".

Wallflower: "Yeah, but even though Leo doesn't show it very much, I can tell that he often keeps his real feelings to himself".

Fluttershy: "Leo only does that to not worry anyone". "But...he could never really hide it from me". "I remember times when Leo never really kept anything to himself".

Sunset: "You and him have been friends since you were kids, right"?

Fluttershy: *nods* "Mm-hm, he was my first friend actually". "We spent every day together". "And he was the happiest he could be". "But...after he lost his family...he has never been that way anymore".

Wallflower: "...I know that could never truely understand how Leo feels". "But in a strange way...I...kind of do". "Or at least...I have my own version of his pain".

Sunset: "How so"?

Wallflower: "Leo had a family who cared and loved him". "I did as well a long time ago". "But then...things just changed". "It started from when my parents started aruing with each other". "And then it got to the point where they just ignored each other". "And...I...was alone from then on". "I was basically invisible to them". "And pretty soon...the family I once knew was gone". "My family broke apart and I had no idea what to do anymore". "I had lost my family". "My dad eventually threw me out of the house and I had to fend for myself in the streets". "But by some luck, I managed to pull through". "But it didn't help that I was basically invisible to everyone around me still". "Or at least that was the case...until you guys came along". "I gained real friends in the ninjas". "And most of all...I found a new family that cares about me".

Sunset and Fluttershy wiped some stray tears as they smiled at the thought that Wallflower saw them and the rest of the ninjas as family.

Sunset: "I would give you a hug right now, but you're driving, so I won't until we get to Celestia's house".

Wallflower: "We should be getting close now".

Soon enough, the three of them made it to Principal Celestia's house. They grabbed the gardening supplies from Wallflower's car and headed to the front door. Wallflower rings the doorbell and Celestia shortly comes to let them in and led them to her garden.

Celestia: "Thank you for looking after my garden while I'm on vacation".

Sunset: "It's not a problem Principal Celestia".

Fluttershy: "We're always happy to help".

Celestia: "I greatly appreciate it". "But please, call me Celestia". "After all, I'm only your principal when you're at CHS". *winks*

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