Twilight's New Beginning

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A week after her talk with Principal Cinch, Twilight was finally transferring to CHS. She was currently in her room gathering everything she needed. She was also wearing a new outfit.

Twilight: "Ok, I'm ready for my first day at my new school"

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Twilight: "Ok, I'm ready for my first day at my new school". 'I just hope it won't be like Crystal Prep'.

???: *comes into the room* "Hey Twily, are you ready yet"?

Twilight: "Yeah, I'm as ready as I'll ever be".

???: "Alright then, I'll be in the car".

Twilight: "Ok Shining Armor"

A few minutes later, Twilight's brother drove her to the school. Once she had arrived, she started to make her way to the principal's office. While she was walking through the halls, she noticed that many students (a few of them were mutants) were talking about her. But she ignored everyone and continued walking until she reached the principal's office.

Twilight: "Um...hello"

Celestia: *looks up* "Oh, you must be Twilight Sparkle". "I'm Principal Celestia, its very nice to meet you".

Twilight: "Its nice to meet you to".

Celestia: *hands schedual to Twilight* "Here is your schedual, and there will be someone coming to show you around".

Twilight: "Thank you"

At that cue, someone entered the room, and that person was none other than Fluttetshy.

Celestia: "Twilight, this is Fluttershy, she will be showing you around the school".

Twilight: *nods then looks at Fluttershy* "H-hi Fluttershy"

Fluttershy: "Hi Twilight, come on, I'll show you around".

Twilight: "O..okay"

Fluttershy showed Twilight most of the school. The final place that Fluttershy showed her was the cafeteria.

Fluttershy: "So what do you think of the school Twilight"?

Twilight: "It looks absolutely amazing".

Suddenly, Twilight noticed something strange while talking with Fluttershy.

Twilight: "Fluttershy can I ask you something"?

Fluttershy: "Sure thing, what is it"?

Twilight: "Why is there a giant crack on that wall"?

Fluttershy: "Oh...well...that is a long story"

Twilight: "What happened"

Fluttershy: " see...I was being picked on by the school bully". "His name is Flash Sentry, and he is always hurting everyone". "But my brother Leo stood up to him and they ended up fighting each other". "Leo won the fight when he knocked Flash out by slamming his head against the wall, and that's how that crack got there".

Twilight: *gasp* "Oh my gosh, I can't believe that happened". "But, whatever happened to your brother and Flash"?

Fluttershy: "Leo got a week of detention and Flash is still at home because of his head injury".

Twilight: "Oh"

Fluttershy: "Anyway, lets get to class before we're late".

Twilight: "Ok"

Meanwhile, Leo was outside on the soccer field helping Rainbow Dash practice for the up coming game.

Rainbow Dash: "Thanks for helping me practice for the big game Leo". *kicks the ball towards Leo*

Leo: *blocks the ball from getting into the goal* "No problem Rainbow".

Leo threw the ball into the air while simultaneously doing a back flip into the air and kicking the ball back to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash: "Impressive, you should really consider joining the team". "You could be a big help with those moves of yours".

Leo: "I'll think about it,". "I'll also need to talk to Fluttershy about it". "You know how worried she gets when there's a possibility I could get hurt".

Rainbow Dash: *giggles* "Yeah I know" "By the way, did you hear about the new girl coming to this school"?

Leo: "Yeah I have, what about her".

Rainbow Dash: "I heard a rumor that the new girl was from Crystal Prep Academy".

Leo: "Isn't that the rival school of CHS"?

Rainbow Dash: "Yeah, and the students there are completely obsessed with being the best at everything".

Leo: "I'm assuming that you think the new girl is just like that don't you".

Rainbow Dash: *nods*

Leo: *sighs* "You can't just judge her before you get to know her". "Who knows, she might not be how you think she is".

Rainbow Dash: *sighs* "I guess you're right".

Leo and Rainbow Dash continued to practice until it was time for lunch. But little did Leo know, was that he might end up developing feeling for the new student some time in the future.

To be continued

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