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I rub the bridge of my nose as I walk through the back doors of the stadium. No one better give me shit right now. I am not in the mood for verbal harassment.

"Abby Westbrook I swear to God," Scott starts as I roll my eyes, still walking forward, "Don't you fucking walk away from me!" He yells from behind me as I walk straight into my dressing room, locking the door behind me, "Abigail come out of there right now!" He yells banging on my door as my head rings.

"Fuck off!" I shout, opening up my desk drawer to pop a couple Advils. He stops banging on the door and I hear him sigh in defeat.

"Are you okay?" He asks in a fatherly tone. I roll my eyes, feeling guilt raid me as I realize I should've just stopped to talk to him, "Abby?" he sighs as I walk over to the door.

"I'm fine," I say as I lean against the wall beside the door.

"Where were you?" He asks, and I sense a bit of worry in his voice. I open the door and lean against the frame.

"I was hanging out with a couple friends last night, and I had too much to drink," I groan, running my hands down my face, "I didn't mean to stay over, but I slept in."

"Are you hungover?" He whispers, as if he doesn't want anyone else to hear. I nod, pulling my messy ponytail tight, "So you slept in, is that why you're late?"

"Yeah," I mutter, shifting my eyes away from him, "Is everything going well?"

"You know we can't approve anything without you, so no, it's not going that well," he says, eyeing me disappointedly, "Bria and the dancers have been dancing, the technicians have been messing around with the lights, sounds and effects and I've just been talking with Steph for a while." He sighs, standing straight to leave me, "Get on set as quickly as possible." He says before walking away.

"Fuck my life," I groan, slamming the door behind me. I change into something that isn't two days old, fix my hair and leave the room to go on set.

I walk onto the stage as the dancers go through the choreography of 'Walk The Other Way' and I walk up to the front to watch all of them as they ignore my appearance.

"Girl where the fuck were you?!" Bria exclaims as I stand beside her.

"I slept in," I shrug, not telling her the full truth.

"Yeah, whatever," she scoffs, shaking her head, "I know you're hungover Bebe, you look dead." She mumbles as the music comes to an end.

"Hey Abby," Georgia smiles as I fake a smile back to her. 

Slimy bitch.

"Where were you?" Adam asks, walking up to me and everyone widens their eyes at him.

They know not to fucking cross me.

"Why does it matter?" I smile, not letting it reach my eyes as I fold my arms.

"Just wondering," he shrugs, shifting his eyes away.

"I'd watch your mouth if I were you," I point at him as all the dancers watch us intently.

"Remember what I told you?" I smirk, holding my index finger and thumb in front of his face, "You're this close."

"I just asked you where you were!" He scoffs, holding his hands out to the sides.

"And it's none of your fucking business!" I yell. Now everyone is watching us.

"No, but I think you deserve to give us an explanation!" He shouts, stepping in my face as my eyes widen with fury.

"GET OFF MY FUCKING SET!" I scream as his face goes white, "I told you what would happen if you crossed me, so here it is! You want it you got it!" I yell as he still stands in his place.

"What are you saying?" He chuckles nervously as the whole stadium goes silent.

"YOU'RE FIRED!" I start screaming again, "GET OUT!" I point past him and he shakes his head, backing down from me, "Get your things and leave," I grit, walking away from him, "You're no longer welcome on this property."

I walk down the steps of the stage, onto the platform beneath it to sit in one of the auditorium seats. I pull out my phone as I glare at Adam walking off the stage with his dance bag as I dial security's number.

"Adam Tiller is not allowed in the building under any circumstances," I grit into the phone as the dancers and crew members gossip to each other.

"Yes Miss Westbrook," Franco says into the phone, "Anything else?" He asks politely.

"If he tries to get in you have permission to take him down if you want," I chuckle, hanging up the phone. I look up to the stage where all the dancers are still gossiping and Bria is talking to Stephanie. I guess they're discussing the need for a new dancer, but I already have somebody who I think would be good for the job. 

"Hey guys," I sigh, walking up to them, "Sorry for the scene." I apologize, folding my arms as Stephanie and Bria turn to talk with me.

"It's okay, girl," Bria smiles, reaching out to place her hand on my shoulder, "What was his deal anyways?" She scoffs, folding her arms as well.

"I have no idea," I lie, rolling my eyes.

"That's all well and good to fire an asshole, but who are we going to find to replace him?" Stephanie asks, arching a brow at me as if it's my fault.

It kind of is my fault, but we're not gonna go there right now.

"It's okay, I have a few people I can call." I sigh, shifting my eyes to the dancers who are sitting in groups all around the stage.

"Well they better be good," Bria smirks, "They need to pick up all of this choreographer as soon as they get here."

"They have two months, Bria. It'll be fine." I mumble, rubbing the bridge of my nose.

"It better be," she smirks, "This tour has to be phenomenal," she mocks me. I roll my eyes, suppressing a smile. I walk over to the dancers and stand in front of them.

"Hey guys," I smile apologetically, "I'm sorry for the scene. Adam will not be dancing with us anymore, clearly." I smile as some of them giggle, "So we will be looking for new dancers. I have a few friends in mind, but if you have any friends who you think are equivalent to your level or higher, I'd love to see what they've got." I explain as they all nod.

"We didn't like him anyways," Georgia says sassily causing all of the other dancers to let out a laugh while nodding.

"Damn right," Ian says from the back and I wink at him. He winks back and I wonder if he could be one of my potential 'stress relievers'.

"Well I didn't like him either," I smile, placing my hands on my hips, "Let's get back to work." I clap my hands and they all stand up and get into their positions.

Thank god one of my problems is now out of my way.

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