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*2 months later*

"Okay guys lets go! Hurry up!" I yell, standing in a circle with a few of my dancers and some of the crew as everyone else scurries to join us. I hop up and down, shaking out all of my limbs comically as I shake my fluffy hair. Bria laughs at me and rubs my shoulders just to add more to the joking display, "Where the fuck is everyone?!" I yell up at the tall ceiling of the stadium.

"They're coming Bebe, just give it a second," Georgia laughs making me roll my eyes internally.

"We're on in five!" Scott yells from behind me, walking up to join the circle. 

"Let's go!" I yell once more, "I want everyone in here! Makeup artists, lighting crew, musicians, sound crew, dancers, janitors!" I list off randomly, counting on my acrylic nails. 

"You heard the girl!" Danika, my main makeup artist yells making me snicker. As the last people scurry around I look at the group of people standing around us.

"Are all 162 of us here?!" I shout, reaching on my tiptoes to see all of the heads of people surrounding. Everyone smiles excitedly, nodding their heads, "If I find out anyone wasn't here for this, I don't know what I'll do. I'm about to do a pep talk and I don't want anyone missing out of my motivational speech." I drawl sarcastically, grabbing scott's arm to look at his watch. 

"Okay, okay, what do you have to say?" Luke asks, placing his hands on his hips. 

"Don't rush me boy," I say, squinting at him as everyone snickers. I take a dramatically deep breath, holding my hands out at my sides, making the curiosity grow. 

"Here she goes." Bria whispers making a smile tug at the corners of my mouth. 

"So," I grin, rubbing my hands together, "First tour date everyone. How do we feel?" I ask, causing nods and murmurs come from everyone, "I SAID... How do we feel?" I say louder, cupping my ear with my hand. 





I hear different responses from the whole group along with screeches and hoots from others. 

"This is the first tour date. Everything should go perfectly, but if it doesn't it isn't the end of the world. We still have 124 more dates after this one to perfect anything that could possibly go wrong." I say reassuringly as everyone nods continuously, "If any one of you fucks up, don't let it get to you. I know I'm scary," I smirk making everyone chuckle, "But even I'm human. I might fuck up, but I will not let it get to me because that's just room for more error if I'm nervous about my previous error." 

"Damn right," Bria chirps making me nod with her. 

"This is going to be good. Great. Fantastic. Phenomenal!" I yell, closing my fists with emphasis, "Don't bring your personal problems out on that stage. We're here for the people. They want to see the show that they payed for and they will get all of their money's worth and then some," I say, eyeing random people as I turn to look at the people behind me as well, "I'm not stupid. I know some of you guys are fucking each other. I could care less, but if you bring any stupid feelings out there we might have to discuss your contract for the tour." I squint as a few of the girls blush harshly and the guys scratch the backs of their necks nervously, "That's right, I'm not as dumb as the press thinks." I smirk. 

I look to Scott who is watching me with great intent and a comical gleam behind his eye, as well as Jeff who is soaking up my every word even though the both of them have been with me since I started. 

"So!" I clap loudly, "We're going to go out there and work our asses off. I will do random things here and there to connect myself with the crowd, but you just have to go with it and stick to what we rehearsed. I created all of this. I know exactly what move is coming next for each and every one of you. Keep moving and so will I. You guys give me energy. The fans give me energy. We've been prepping for this for the past two years. All of you are my family. I love every single one of you and I have the utmost of faith in everyone." I smile sweetly making some people hold their hearts or smile brightly. 

"Thanks Bee," Bria smiles, rubbing my back. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and scan the crowd. 

"This is the start to a two year tour. Keep your health up and keep drinking water throughout tonight and for the next two years," I smirk as a few people suppress their laughter, "It might seem long in the moment but it will fly by in the long run. Trust me on that." I smile brightly, about to wrap up my little speech, "I would also like to thank our newest recruit, Aliya," I smile, nodding at her as she nods, "One of my good friends for a long time and a saving grace to this tour. Thank you for filling in after Adam Tiller had to leave." I sigh as a couple people murmur to each other. 

Fuck Adam. Thank God he's off of the tour. 

"It would have been ideal to have a guy fill the position, but it's 2019 people! A girl can grind on another girl and no one should have a problem with it, right?!" I exclaim as Aliya blushes and everyone nods, laughing a bit, "It's go time people. Let's do this right. They're waiting for us out there so let's give them the show that they want." I smile as the crowd gets louder, "I love you all so much. Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. It will be unforgettable and I hope you have the time of your life during these couple of years. It's a big commitment and I'm so thankful for all of you.

"Now if you've never been on tour with me before, you should know I have a little pre-show ritual," I explain as some of the older members start to get more excited than the ones who have no idea what's going on, "We have a big crew here, so we can't all put our hands in a circle and do a power up or whatever. Here we like to get all of the little jitters out and just shake our arms and jump up and down collectively." I laugh, knowing I sound ridiculous, "While we do this we shout crew seven times, since that what we are. A crew." I smile, looking around me at some of the confused dancers, "You'll catch on." I smile, starting to shake my arms. 

"Three! Two! One!" Bria shouts, starting the chant,

"CREW! CREW! CREW! CREW! CREW! CREW! CREW!" We all shout, jumping up and down in the massive crowd of us. Everyone cheers at the end of the chant as I hug Bria and Scott.

"Places everyone!" Scott yells as I run down the stairs backstage to get underneath the main stage where I will be popping out of. I watch the lights flash through all of the little cracks of the stage as the music grows louder and louder making the crowd lose their shit.

"Ready Abs?" Steph asks, holding my hand as I crouch on the mini elevator that will lift me up. 

"Always." I wink, taking the mike from Joey the sound director. 

"Go get'em kid," he smiles, holding my hands in his. I blow a kiss the everyone standing around me as the timer goes off and I'm being lifted to the top of the stage. The crowd gets even louder than I thought it would and it makes me smile brightly as I face the back of the stage for dramatic effect. All of the music stops as I lift the mike to my mouth, still facing the back of the stage where the band is. I smile at all of them, turning on the mike. 

"Youuuuu should knowwww," I belt out as the screams get louder, "Hoowww I feeeeeeeel by now," I start as the drums hit and the electric guitar hits all of the speakers in the stadium perfectly. I shoot my head to the side of the stage, like we rehearsed and my eyes immediately connect with the man's who I've been waiting on for the past two months. 

Michael Jackson is at my concert. 

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