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"Hello?" I ask hesitantly, really not wanting to have this conversation right now, and avoid the obvious situation that is going to happen and is happening right now. 

"Abby, this is Dr. Tang," her authoritative, yet comforting, voice speaks from the other end. 

"Hey Dr. T, how's it going?" I sigh, rubbing the bridge of my nose as the pit in my stomach grows larger. 

"I have your results, Abby," she sighs, and just from that I know exactly what she is going to say. 

"Great," I murmur, and she pauses for a second, "What is it? I'm pregnant, aren't I?" 

"Obviously I can't tell you what to do, but you should make the most out of this. Things happen for a reason, and I know you are on birth control, but there is that one percent chance, and that just so happens to be you... yes you are pregnant." she confirms hesitantly and a lump immediately forms in my throat. 

"Okay," I croak, placing a hand on my stomach, "Give me the run down so that I can get off this call and cry." I say softly as she breathes deeply. 

"I've already sent a prescription for prenatal pills over to the Walgreens around the corner from your condo in LA, since that's the address that was on your file," she begins, and I try and process everything she is saying, but my head is spinning in multiple different directions, "I'm sure you know this, but I'm required by law to tell each patient these things: no alcohol, marijuana, or any sort of recreational drugs should be used during your time of pregnancy. You should also steer clear of caffeine and fish... the mercury isn't good for the baby. You can continue what you're doing for the next couple of months, but afterwards, your activity has to be lighter, and you can't be heavily exercising or living your life without breaks... do you have any questions?" she asks softly, and I sigh, shaking my head. 

"No, Dr. T, thank you. That will be all." I swallow, holding back tears. 

"If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call me. I'm always available, and if you need me that badly and Crystal picks up, I've already told her to pass you through to my cell or during anytime, even if I'm with another patient." 

"Okay, thank you." 

"I know this isn't what you had planned, but make the most out of this. You may find that you like having a child." she smiles, trying to find the light in the situation when all I'm seeing is darkness. 

"I'll try to take your word for it," I sigh shakily, "Thank you, again, I really appreciate you rushing the results and seeing me at such a short notice." 

"Anytime Abby." she nods, and with that, I hang up the phone before placing it down beside me on the bed. I place my hands on my knees and lean my head between them before my eyes well up and I start to sob loudly. 

"What the fuck!" I cry, letting a stream of tears fall down my face and to the floor, "Why, why, why." I grit, angry, confused, scared, and sad. I stand up, stumbling over a bit with how overwhelmed I am, and I slowly make my way to the kitchen. I take a wine glass that is sitting on the counter and smash it on the ground, "Fuck!" I scream as I do so. I take a picture frame of me and Michael and smash that on the floor as well. I take a bottle of wine and do the same. 

Abby, stop. 

My conscience says softly, and I sigh, shaking my head. My body quivers with so many mixed emotions. I walk over to the rug and collapse, curling myself into a tight ball. 

Nobody wants me. I need somebody. I don't want this baby. This baby is going to ruin my career and my vagina. 

Fuck, this is going to ruin everything. 

This is going to take me right off the map. Everything I've sacrificed, everything I've lived for, everything I've done and I fuck it up by fucking like there is no tomorrow. 

Call Michael. 

I walk back into my bedroom and dial his number.

The phone picks up immediately. 

"Abby?" Michael asks urgently, "Oh my God, thank God you're calling. I tried to call you back so many times, but it just kept going to voicemail. I thought you left me. I thought you blocked me. I thought you were done with me forever. I didn't' know what to do. I've been trying to call you and you weren't calling back, but then you did call back and I just wasn't available at the time, which I'm so sorry for by the..." 

Michael rambles on and my head spins with any and every way I can tell him about what is going on in this moment. I know that he is basically hours away from going on tour, but he has to know. If I don't tell him soon, he will never forgive me... ever. I need Michael back. 

Michael is my everything. 

"Michael," I say softly, interrupting whatever he was saying. I wasn't paying attention since I completely spaced out, but I'm sure it was apologetic somewhere along the lines.

"Yes Abby?" He asks, sounding relieved. I sniffle, and more tears run down my face and I sense his immediate concern, "Abby, what happened?" he asks quickly, and I hear a lot of commotion in the background on his end. 

"Michael, what are you doing right now?" my voice quivers. 

"I'm just finishing up rehearsals. We're leaving on tour the day after tomorrow, so today is it until we get to the first location. We're giving everyone the day off tomorrow so that they can pack and do what they have to before they leave... why, what's up?" he asks. 

"Do you love me?" I sniff. 

"Yes," he responds without a beat, "Absolutely. No question about it. I love you." 

"Come over to my condo as soon as you can. No rush, but when you can, I need you come over." I say softly, my voice still shaky. 

"Why, what happened?" he asks hesitantly. 

"We just need to talk." I choke. 

"Bee, are you okay?" he asks, concerned, "It sounds like you're crying." 

"Just come when you can, Michael. I really need to talk to you." 

I hang up the phone and curl up into a ball on my bed, crying like I've never cried before, not even when I left Michael. 

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