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"You broke my heart," I sing as the water pours over me and tears run down my face, melding with the water, "And now I'm the one who has to pay.... I loved you with all my life, baby, and no dismay...

I loved you with everything,

I'm left with nothing. 

Money, riches... don't fix stitches, 

Not even a ring, 

Please, please, take me back! 

I'm not going to ask! 

If you come to me, I might say yes, 

But not if for the press. 

I know I make you look bad, 

But I'm out here being sad! 

Take the pain away.... 

And just tell me you'll stay. 


I hop off of the elevator with Stephanie beside me and a security guard in front and two behind us.

"I can't believe you refuse to find a doctor in LA," she scoffs, texting someone on her phone, "Just ridiculous. What if there's an emergency?" she asks, looking over to me. 

"Oh well," I shrug. 

I honestly wouldn't mind dying right now. 

I wipe away a tear from my eye, thinking that Michael might be with me if I hadn't ended us a couple of days ago. 

Stephanie eyes me, and I raise a brow, making her look back down to her phone shaking her head. I know she wants to ask me what's wrong, but not right here she won't. 

I walk through the doors to the waiting room of Dr. Tang's office, and see Crystal sitting at the receptionist desk to the right. 

"Hey Crystal," I grin, and her face lights up as she looks up from her computer. 

"Abby! She exclaims as a few of the older people who are waiting in their respective chairs look at the commotion she's caused. Crystal stands and walks around to hug me tightly, "You've gotten so big, girl!" she groans, pulling me into a tight hug, and I smile, enjoying her embrace. 

This is the closest thing to family that I've got. 

"You look great, Crystal," I grin, pulling away to look at her, "You don't look a day over forty." I compliment, and she waves her hand. 

"I actually just turned sixty five," she whispers, leaning in a bit, making me laugh, "You'd never know it!" she exclaims, squeezing my hands, before running back behind the desk, "Let me page Dr. Tang and let her know you're here. I'm sure you're on a tight schedule." she says thoughtfully, picking up the phone, "Yeah, Miss Westbrook is here," she smiles into the phone, winking at me, "Okay, perfect." she nods, hanging up the phone, "Ten minutes, tops." she says as I lean against the counter. 

"Here," I sigh, handing her my health card. She takes it, swiping it through the scanner and nods.

"Thank you dear," she smiles, handing it back to me. 

"So," I begin, taking a deep breath, "Not that I care or anything," I shuffle off before even asking, and Crystal gives me a knowing look, "But... have my parents come through here recently or anything?" I ask with a bit of hesitation and Crystal sighs, sorrow filling her eyes. 

"Abby," she sighs, and I wave my hand through the air. 

"Forget I asked," I sigh, "I didn't really mean it or care to know anyways." 

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