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I limp up the steps from outside to the back of the arena and hope to God that nobody sees me like this. That would be so embarrassing. 

Michael fucked me sooo good last night. 

Shit, I'm sore as hell. I better loosen up during rehearsal today. 

"Shit," I hiss, holding the inside of my thigh as I walk into my dressing room. I hear a few voices around the arena, but not too many people are here yet. I didn't expect anything less than that since it's only 9am; the crew has another two hours before I expect them to be here. 

"Goddammit." I groan, throwing my dance bag on the floor before changing my runners. I growl to myself, frustrated at the ache Michael left me before my phone starts to ring, "The fuck do you want." I grit to whoever is on the other end of the phone before I can pick it up, "Hello, who is this?" I sigh irritably as a sweet chuckle glides through the receiver. 

"What did I do this time?" Michael smirks sexily into the phone, making me melt into the wall behind me. 

"Nothing," I sigh, more relaxed this time, as I run my hand through my hair. 

"Where are you?" he asks, and I can tell those sexy brows of his are furrowing. 

"Uhh, I'm at rehearsal...?" I hesitate jokingly as if he should know this. 

"I just woke up five minutes ago and you weren't even here. I didn't think you would just take off like that." he says with a hint of disappointment in his voice. 

"You're lucky I even picked up the phone." I smirk sarcastically, looking around my dim-lit dressing room. 

"Abby," he sighs, making me catch the hint that he doesn't like the thought of me using him like a one night stand. 

"Come to the stadium." I blurt involuntarily before I smack a hand over my mouth. 

"What?" he gasps in an astounded voice, "You actually want me to come and see you?" he gasps again, making me keep my hand over my mouth to stop the burst of laughter that is about to pop out of it. 

"Michael, do you want to come or not?" I giggle, holding the phone right against my ear. 

"The question is," he begins in a low voice, sending a shiver down my spine, "Do you want to come or not?" he says sexily as my jaw hitches open, "Because if the answer is yes, I'll be right over." he bargains as I slide down the wall of my dressing room. 

"Uh-umm," I stutter at his boldness, "Yes." I whisper, as if there is anyone around to hear our conversation. 

"Yes what, baby?" he hums sexily, making my sex wet. 

"Yes, I want you to come." I swallow, holding my breath. 

"So I can make you come?" he grins, finishing a sentence that was already finished. 

"We can discuss." I sigh, letting out a long breath as I rub the bridge of my nose. 

"We both know that there won't be much of that." he smirks cheekily, making me roll my eyes playfully at his seductive comment. 

"Michael Jackson, does your Mother know you talk like that?" I tease, folding my legs. 

"Most of the world doesn't know I talk like this." he chuckles in regards to the media and all of his millions of fans. 

"I would dare to say that you're one of the dirtier-minded people I know." I grin, looking down at my manicured nails. 

"You don't even know, baby." he growls sexily as I grow wetter. 

"Show me when you get here?" I ask in a light voice as I hear rustling in the background. 

"I'm already on my way." he says quickly as I hear keys jingling alongside him. 

"Bye Michael." 

"Bye Bee." he grins before I hang up the phone.

"That boy is something else." I giggle to myself, biting my lip. I stand from the floor and shove my phone in the side pocket of my sweatpants before leaving my dressing room, "Hey Danika." I sigh, walking over to the makeup station before taking a seat in the chair with my name on it. 

"Hey girlfriend, how's it going?" she asks as I watch her wipe down some makeup brushes. 

"It's going pretty good, how are you?" I ask politely, looking over my shoulder to see her. 

"I'm great, girl. I love these tours!" she exclaims, holding her hands out to the side, making me smile wide, "They get me so excited and energized." she holds her hand in a fist comedically, making me giggle, "But I don't know how you do it, girl. If I were you, I would've had a stroke by now, dancing and shit. You really bus' it down out there, huh sis?" she asks. 

"I do what I love, Danika. Just like you do what you love. Everyone has there own interests that energize them." I sigh, smiling up at her. 

"Hmm, I know one of your interests is this performance stuff," she says, waving the brushes in the direction of the stage, "But what about that fine piece of chocolate who was backstage yesterday?" she smiles, wiggling her brows as my lips part. 

"What 'fine piece of chocolate'?" I mock her, turning in my chair to fully look at her. 

"You know the one," she winks, nodding her head at me, "Michael. Jackson." she whispers dramatically. I look around to make sure no one is hearing this and I shake my head. 

"What about Michael Jackson." I sigh, rolling my eyes at the thought of him showing up backstage last night and all of my fans who say him afterwards. 

This is going to be a shit show with the press. 

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking 'bout, Bebe," she scoffs, placing a hand on her hip as she puts all of the weight on the same one as well, "That man had all of his attention on you last night." 

"That's because I was in a tight, glittery outfit." I mumble, trying to justify his attention towards me. 

"Uh uh, girl. I know there's something up with you two," she tuts, waving a brush at me, "I'm backstage the whole time, Abby. I get to watch people and see what they're up to. I know all the tea. The makeup artists talk to everyone and they know what's going down." she nods, talking in a quiet voice, "All of us remembered when he showed up at rehearsals that one time and then he showed up last night again? And backstage? Girl, I know something is going on." she nods as her brows shoot up. 

"Danny," I sigh, rubbing my bottom lip, "Michael is just Michael." I mumble, shifting my eyes, "Those two times he showed up here are the only two times I've ever seen him in person," I lie, not making eye contact with her, "And you know, he's still kind of irritated at the fact that I didn't totally know who he was." I grin deviously in thought of Michael. Danika shakes her head as she squints her eyes at me. 

"Don't lie to me, girlfriend. The truth will come out sooner than later." she smirks, putting the cleaned brush down.

"Oh yeah?" I smirk, folding my arms, "How do you know that?" I smile, watching organize the product on the vanity in front of me. She gives me a look as someone starts to walk into my periphery. 

"Hey, Bee." Michael begins, walking up beside my chair, making my cheeks heat in embarrassment. Danika shakes her head, smiling as he leans down to kiss my cheek, and I still haven't looked at him. She stands, folding her arms as a massive smile consumes her face. 

"Told you." 

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