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"I LOVE YOU!" I yell into the microphone as the crowd goes wild and sweat drips down my forehead. Someone offstage throws me a towel and I wipe my forehead before throwing it into the audience. The whole area goes to reach for it, jumping over each other to get, "YOU'VE BEEN GREAT TONIGHT LA!" I yell, taking another bow as my dancers bow with me, "GOODNIGHT!" I yell before all of the lights are shut off and I am running back stage towards the many flashlights as a directive.

"HOLY SHIT WHAT A RUSH!" Bria screams in my ear, making me cringe.

"Girl, shut the fuck up!" I laugh, making everyone join in on the laughter. She gives me a look, telling me I'm crazy. I definitely agree, but she's not one to talk.

"I'm so tired," Georgia whines squeakily, making me roll my eyes.

"Maybe this isn't for you." I mumble under my breath as Bria shoves, me laughing.

"What was that?" Georgia smiles, obviously oblivious that I just took a dig at her.

"I said I totally agree!" I exclaim, putting on a fake smiles. She nods happily before walking away to grab a drink of water.

"You are too much," Bria shakes her head, punching my arm lightly, "Why don't you like the girl?" She smirks, "I know she a lot to tolerate, but she's not that bad." She shrugs, taking a drink of her water.

"I don't know. Something about her just makes me irritated." I shrug, looking over to her.

Fuck that. I know exactly why she pisses me off.

She didn't before.

But that was before I was interested in Michael. The way she looked at him the first day he came into the stadium, I was ready to pop a bitch right there.

"Okay, girly, whatever," she laughs, knowing that I'm not telling her the whole truth, "Are you coming over to Luke's tonight? He having a little get together with anyone who wants to come, even though I know some of the older crew will definitely not be coming." She laughs, patting me on the back.

"No, I'm not gonna go," I sigh, wiping my forehead with a black towel.

"Girl! You never miss an opportunity to party!" She exclaims in shock, "Plus, I think he's hosting this little thing to get your attention." She winks comically, making me smirk.

"That's not the way to get my attention, Bria," I scoff, shaking my head, "I'm tired, so I'm not going."

"Really?" She eyes me suspiciously as I fold my arms, "You're tired, so you're not going?" She asks slowly, psychoanalyzing me.

"Yes," I laugh, leaning back on my right foot.

"Are you sure you don't have a booty call waiting at your house?" She whispers, leaning in closer to me, "Better not be Mr.Timberlake. His wife already came for you today, do you really want to be in deeper shit than you were already in?"

"Oh please," I scoff, waving my hand in front of my face, "I haven't fucked the boy since I found out they were together. I wasn't lying." I shoot her a look, making her put her arms up in surrender.

"I'm just saying." She shrugs, wiping the bottom of her shoes with the palm of her hand as if she's a basket ball player.

"I'm just tired, Riri," I groan, sitting on a sound box behind me, "I want to go home and sleep." I whine, mocking Georgia.

"Bebe, I know you don't fucking sleep after these concerts. You usually go and fuck someone, which is why I don't understand why you're not trying to go to this party. I know Luke is interested in you, maybe you could get a lil' somethin' somethin'." She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively as I rest my elbows on my knees.

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