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"I love you," he sighs, holding me close, as we kiss for the millionth time in the past twenty four hours. 

"I love you more." I grin, holding him tight to me by his waist. The dancers and the rest of the crew board the bus as we stand in each others arms. 

"I will call you at every free chance I get," he murmurs, pressing his forehead to mine, feeling the truth in his words. 

"Promise?" I ask hesitantly and he briefly closes his eyes. 

"Babe, I promise," he breathes, looking down into my eyes, "What happened in the past will never happen again. I may not be able to call as often or as long as I want, but I will call. Even if it's for a minute." 

"Okay," I grin, pecking his lips, "I believe you. Don't break my trust again, Michael." I warn causing a smile to tug at the corners of his mouth. 

"I won't," he winks, pulling me into a deep kiss as someone calls his name. 

"I love you," I sigh, pulling away a bit before he pulls me back into another kiss. 

"I love you, baby," he smiles, pulling away and looking down to rub my belly, "I also love you." he says in a babying voice, making me smile. 

"I'll update you if anything happens or if they say anything new at the appointments," I nod, biting my lip as I let go of his hand. 

"Please do," he grins, looking me up and down one last time, "Bye, babies." he winks. 

"Bye, Michael." I sigh, waving as he gets on the bus. 

The bus driver starts the engine, and it slowly pulls away as Michael waves to me out the window the whole time. He blows me a kiss as they pull out of the parking lot and I sigh, holding back my tears. 

"Damn, girl, that is just sad," Bria tuts, walking up to me, and I keep tears down, "You guys just find out you're pregnant and he has to leave? Man, God is just cold sometimes." 

"You're telling me," I mumble sadly, turning to walk to the car. 

"Where'd you wanna go?" she asks, hopping in the drivers seat as I duck into the car. 

"To the shoot," I sigh, rubbing my belly. 

"Shit, that's right, I forgot we were filming the last music video today." she snaps her fingers before pulling out of the parking lot, "At least this will take your mind off of everything." 

I nod, without a word, and stare at the window as sadness fills me. I know Michael couldn't have stayed, and I have things to do here, but I wish we could be together. I don't know how to be pregnant and this is the first real time I've ever needed support.

"Can we go to McDonalds first?" I sigh, and Bria smirks. 

"Girl, you must really be having cravings," she laughs, making a U-turn to head towards the nearest McDonalds, "You never eat this shit." 

"Yeah," I murmur, trying to smile. 

"You don't mind looking bloated for the shoot?" she asks hesitantly, knowing that's usually one of my biggest insecurities. 

"Nah," I mumble, looking down at my hands on my stomach, "I already did all the naked scenes for this one. What were shooting today is just in baggy clothes." 

"Good, because I'm about to eat like a mofo," she smirks. I laugh for the first time since getting in the car as we pull into the McDonalds drive thru.

Thank God I have friends like Bria in my life to make me feel better. 


 "Michael, Michael, Michael," I sing as I walk into my condo. 

The shoot went perfectly and we only had to do ten takes before I was completely satisfied. Usually I'd be there until the next day, but I'm completely satisfied with what we did today. 

I look in the fridge, ready to cook myself some dinner, when my phone rings. I smile brightly and pick it up without looking at the caller ID. 

"Hello?" I grin, knowing who it is. 

"Hey babe," Michael grins, and I smile uncontrollably. 

"Hey, what's up?" I sigh, walking into the living room to sit on the couch where I was lying in Michael's arms before we left. 

"I just finished the first concert of the tour," he breathes as commotion circulates in the background. 

"Oh yeah?" I grin, rubbing my belly, "How was it? Did everything go well?" 

"Yeah," he murmurs, "I mean, could've been better. I had a couple dancers miss their steps, but I did what I could." he sighs, and my heart is saddened for minute, knowing he's upset over it. 

"It's probably just nerves," I try and excuse their incapability, "Probably won't happen tomorrow night." I grin. 

"Yeah, I guess," he sighs as a door closes in the background, "How are you though?" 

"I'm okay." 

"Just okay?" he asks knowingly, and I lean my head on the back of the couch. 

"Yep," I pop the p, "Just wishing you were here." 

"Awe," he coos, and I roll my eyes playfully. 

"Don't get all sappy and shit," I smirk causing him to chuckle. 

"There's my Bee," he grins as my heart flutters, "I tried to call you before the show started." 

"Really?" I ask with a smile, knowing that he's trying, "I didn't even hear it," I mumble, putting him on speaker to scroll through my notifications, "Must've been when we were shooting." 

"Oh yeah, you were finishing up the last video today. How was that?" 

"It went so much better than I thought," I exasperate over dramatically and he laughs, "I just got home. I thought I'd be there for way longer."

"Yeah, eleven's not too bad I guess," he smirks, and I sigh, nodding. 

"I honestly thought I'd have to be there all night." 

"That's not good for you or the baby," he murmurs, and I roll my eyes. 

"Well good thing it was the last video then," I smirk and he chuckles. 

"Well, babe, I gotta go," he sighs reluctantly as I hear him shift a few things around, "The crew wants to go out and celebrate the first night of the tour and I agreed to go." 

"That sounds like fun," I smile genuinely, pressing the phone to my ear again, "Don't let me stop you." 

"Just to be clear, I'd rather be with you," he mumbles, sounding a bit irritated.

"That's clear," I giggle, "But go have fun. It'll take your mind off of everything." 

"I hope so." 

"I love you, baby," I grin, making a kissing noise into the phone.

"I love you too, Bee," he sighs, "Bye." 

We hang up and I walk back over to the fridge to pull out some chicken breasts just before there's a knock on the door. 

"I just want to make my chicken," I groan, marching over to look through the peephole and my brows furrow. 

Familiar, but....

Oh my God. 

I whip open the door, after picking my jaw up from the ground, and scowl at the two heartless fuckers in front of me. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask in shock and both my parents fake a smile before my Mother steps forward. 

"Hey, Abs, we missed you." 

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