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Michael rolls off of me as we continue to catch our breath. Him lying on top of me for the past few minutes has been almost as satisfying as the sex we just had... in a different way.

I haven't ever had an orgasm like that.

"Damn." I sigh, pushing my curls out of my face with the palm of my hand.

"Yeah," Michael breathes, letting out a slight chuckle. My body is too sore for just one round, and I know that dancing my ass off today has nothing to do with this ache.

"That was stupid," I giggle in amazement, covering my eyes with the back of my hand.

"What?" He asks immediately, whipping his head to look at me.

"I mean in a good way, Michael." I smile, making eye contact with him for the first time since we came together.

"Oh," he furrows his brows as he places his hands behind his head. He sighs sexily before shifting his eyes to look at me and winks, biting his lip.

"What?" I giggle as he grins at me.

"Nothing," he sighs happily, knowing that he probably had as great of a time that I did. I breathe deeply as I feel my heart rate finally going back to it's resting pace.

I scoot over to him, pushing his chest for him to lie down before resting in the crook of his arm. He wraps his legs with mine and I grin to myself, looking down to not let him see my content.

"I didn't take you as one to cuddle." He smirks as I gently walk my fingers up his chest.

"I'm not," I mumble, letting it vibrate through his chest.

"Well this is cuddling." He teases, wrapping his arms around me.

"Do you not want to?" I look up at him, raising an annoyed brow.

"Abby," he sighs, kissing the tip of my nose, making that whole area tingle. I rest my cheek against his chest and close my eyes, ready to go to sleep, "How did you flip me over like that?" He asks softly after a minute of silence.

"What?" I grin, knowing exactly what he's talking about.

"When we were about to have sex I was on top of you and then you just grabbed my shoulders and flipped me onto my back so that you could sit on top of me." He recaps, making me grin even wider, "How did you do it"

"I'm very strong, Michael," I giggle, looking up at him, "I don't look like it, but I can kick some ass. I'm not weak at all. You were taking too long, so I had to switch shit up... literally." I scoff, making him laugh.

"You're something else," he chuckles.

"So I've been told," I sigh as Adam's memory flashes through my mind.

"You're the first girl to ride me like that," he states boldly, making my lips part.

"What do you mean?" I ask slowly, keeping the side of my face to his chest.

"I mean, you almost made me lose my religion." He jokes.

"Says you. You were amazing." I compliment, not used to talking about sex after the fact.

"Abby," he murmurs as his face turns red. I smile, closing my eyes once again as Michael starts to trace circles on my back, along with other patterns.

I'm close to drifting off, when something pops in my mind. Shit, I really don't want to do this right now.

I sit up, holding the sheets to my chest and I feel Michael's brows furrow.

"What's wrong?" He asks as I drape my legs over the side of the bed. I decide to let it go and show myself nude to the world as I walk over to pick my robe off the ground, teasing him in the process, "Damn." he sighs as I turn around to him, holding the article to the front of my chest.

"What?" I ask, teasingly. He grins, leaning against the headboard, shaking his head as I drape the robe around my arms, "I'll be back." I wink before turning and switching my hips out of the room, feeling his eyes glued to my ass.

Michael Jackson is most definitely an ass man.

Trust me, I knew that as soon as he walked into the theatre.

As my thoughts clear my mind, I find myself in the kitchen.

Shit, we made a mess in here. I smile to myself, picking a cutting board off of the ground. I didn't even hear this stuff drop.

"Why am I even in here?" I whisper to myself. I roll my eyes, placing my hands on my hips as I look around, trying to remember what I even got up for. I nod to myself, walking over to the cupboard above the kettle, swinging it open to look at the many pill bottles I have in front of me.

They're not all prescribed. A lot of them are just supplements, antacids or pain killers... nothing too extreme. Tums here, Advil there, you get the gist.

I reach on my tip toes to the top shelf and grab two different pill bottles.



Sure, I have issues, but I don't need anymore.

I put the medications back and grab the melatonin bottle from the second shelf, since I know my ass is not going to be able to sleep tonight with all of the thoughts I have on this tour.

As I hold the pills under my tongue, putting the bottle away, I breathe in sharply when a familiar touch grazes my ass. I breathe out softly, leaning back against Michael as he wraps his arms around my waist and I lean my head against his hard shoulder.

"What's going on?" He asks softly, moving the fabric on my shoulder to kiss the bare skin beneath it.

"Nothing," I smile, looking up at him after dragging my words out.

"Are you okay?" He murmurs, kissing the side of my neck.

"Yeah, I'm great," I sigh truthfully, as I rest myself against his built body.

"Let's go to bed." He suggests, kissing the space behind my ear.

"Okay." I agree as he takes my hand in his, leading me back to the bedroom where I hope to god I'll be able to fall asleep. 

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