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"Michael," I whimper, keeping my eyes shut. The doctors rush around me and I feel one crouch next to me. 

"Sorry, hun, what did you say?" she says softly and I grumble the same, "Guys, I can't make out what she's saying." the doctor says urgently. I can tell she's looking for someone else to make out my words. 

"Michael," I murmur again, my mouth barely opening. 

"Can someone please help me? Is she asking for someone?" the doctor says in a panic. Reluctant groans are given and she continues to ask me to repeat as my eyes stay closed and my mind fades out as I hear the monitor attach to me pick up its pace. 


Michael's POV

"Damn," I sigh, pulling the phone away to my ear as I look at the voicemail screen, "Why isn't she answering?" 

"Mike, this was so fun!" Eddie hiccups as he stumbles past me and into his room across from mine. I smile, shaking my head, as I pull out the key card to my room and dial Abby's number again. 

"Pick up, pick up, pick up," I mumble, wanting to talk to her. I wonder how she's doing with the baby. I hope she's not throwing up anymore. 

I just hope everything is okay. 


"CLEAR!" a doctor yells as Abby's body jerks up from the table and she flatlines again, "Dammit, I can't have a star die on my table.... CLEAR!" 

"Stan, it's just not going to work," the same doctor that was at her side before tries to convince him. 

"Shut up, newb!" he glares, rebooting the machine, "CLEAR!"

The machine flatlines again and all of the doctors stand, feeling defeated, as Stan continues to charge. 


"Mummy?" a small voice asks as my eyes pop open. 

"Where the hell am I?" I mumble to myself, as I sit up in the bright, white space.

"You cursed," I little girl giggles with a hand over her mouth as she sits in front of me, cross legged. 

"What's your name?" I smile and she shakes her head. 

"I don't know," she shrugs, "You didn't choose." 

"What do you mean?" I ask slowly, furrowing my brows. 

"Mummy, wake up," she giggles and my brows shoot. 

God, she looks just like Michael. 

"Who's your Mummy?" I ask, getting to my knees. 

"Mummy, wake up," she smiles running towards me, but she never reaches me. 


My eyes flutter open and I watch as Steph paces the room, talking a million miles per second, and the doctor is changing the iv in my arm. I open my mouth to say thank you, but nothing comes out. 

I breathe in deeply, closing my eyes again and thinking of my baby. 

Thank God I'm going to be a Mother so I can give my baby what my parents never gave me.

I'm going to be such a good Mom. 


Michael's POV

"Yeah, Taylor, that's fine," I sigh, talking to one of my tour directors in the doorway of my room. 

"So we're good with switching around the Jackson 5 tribute and Workin' Day and Night?" he grins. 

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