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"Danika," I whisper, frantically looking around me to make sure no one else is there, "What are you doing?!" I yell in a whisper. 

"Girl, I'm just walking by. Don't get your panties in a twist because Michael just twisted yours." she snickers to herself. 

"Michael didn't do twisting of any sort," I scoff, lying right through my teeth. 

"Yeah, whatever Bebe," she snorts, rolling her eyes, "You said you wanted to talk about Mr.Chocolate," she smirks, nodding her head in the direction Michael took off in, "Is now a good time?" she smiles, wiggling her brows as I press my forehead against the door frame. 

"You promise not to tell anyone?" I ask softly, holding out my pinky. 

"Girl, I've been your makeup artist since the beginning of your career. You know I keep your personal stuff to myself." she scoffs, hooking her pinky with mine. I grab her wrist, pulling her into my dressing room and lock the door behind us.

"I don't know what to do," I groan, letting out my frustration for the first time since being conflicted with actually liking the thought of Michael and I being together. 

"You like him!" Danny exclaims in realization as I slide down the back of the dressing room door. 

"Shh," I press my index to my lips, shushing her. She gives me a disapproving look and I shake my head, letting her know that I'm not in the mood. 

"So when did you two meet?" she smiles, raising her brows as she walks behind my desk to take a seat in the chair. 

"That day that he came to the stadium. You were here, weren't you?" I ask, resting my face in my hands. 

"Sure I was," she nods, rolling the chair over to me, "I'm always here. I didn't actually see him, but word spreads around set. I found out when someone told me you two were in a 'meeting'." she winks, gesturing quotations suggestively. 

"Stop that," I grin, swatting her hands, "We actually were in a meeting." I smile at the thought. 

"For what?" she smirks, crossing her legs. 

"He wanted to meet me since he said I had a lot of 'talent'," I sigh, using gesturing quotations, "He wanted to do a duet with me." I mumble, rubbing the bridge of my nose.

"Well you do have a lot of talent, he's not wrong." she scoffs, folding her arms, "What happened in the meeting?" she asks, leaning forward. 

"We were just talking, getting to know each other and he snapped on me." I murmur, not wanting to bring this up again. 

"Why? What did you do?" she giggles, covering her mouth with her hand. 

"I told him that I like sex." I mumble, making eye contact with her as her eyes widen. 

"Well shit, everyone likes sex!" she exclaims, holding her hands out to the side, "Most men would be ecstatic if a woman just brought that up out of the blue!" she squeals, making me giggle. 

"It wasn't exactly out of the blue," I sigh as she raises a brow, wanting me to tell her more, "He asked why my dressing room was so big and I told him that I needed the space to do anything I want in here... including sex." I drop my head in shame. 

"You dumbass." she deadpans, making my head shoot up, "When someone as good looking as Michael Jackson wants anything to do with someone as good looking as you, there is obviously going to be some sort of sexual want involved!" she says sarcastically, with some truth behind it, "He was offended that you've slept with people other than him," she explains quietly as my brows furrow, "Men don't make sense, that's just the way it is." she roll her eyes, leaning back in the white leather chair.

"We had just met though." I sigh, shaking my head at the thought of our first meeting. 

"It doesn't matter. Michael Jackson obviously went on a hunt for you because he thought you were attractive." she scoffs. 

"First of all, stop calling him Michael Jackson," I emphasize, holding my hand up with my acrylics pressed together, "Second of all, that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Michael just wanted a duet. I doubt he came looking for me just for sex." I scoff, folding my arms. 

"Men want what they want." she shrugs, rolling her eyes, "But you two look good together." she grins, changing the subject. My cheeks flush as I shake my head, making her giggle. 

"Stop, Danny." I grin, hiding my face with my hands. 

"So what else? When was the next 'meeting' after that?" she smirks. 

"Well, he called me that night after rehearsal and asked me to come hang out at his place with him and a few friends." I explain slowly as her eyebrows shoot up. 

"Who was there?"

"Janet, Chris Tucker, Liz Taylor and um... Justin." I sigh, cringing at her awaited reaction. 

"Justin who?" she asks, eerily quiet. 

"Justin Justin," I suggest, letting her know it's him

"You're shitting me," she scoffs, standing from the chair, "Can he not leave your ass alone?!" she exclaims, holding her hands out to the side. 

"I know," I sigh, rubbing my thighs, "He always seems to pop up somewhere." 

"How's Jessica?" she fakes concern. 

"That's what I asked," I murmur, shaking my head, "He said that she's okay and that she still doesn't know about him and I being together while they were almost engaged." I squint my eyes, getting irritated at the memory. 

"You'd think the marriage would've ended by now with his stupid ass." she shakes her head, "Oh my God," she gasps randomly, throwing a hand over her mouth. 


"Does Michael know about you and Janet?" Danny asks slowly, crouching in front of me. I nod slowly, shifting my eyes from hers. 

"That takes us to our next meeting after the one at his house," I sigh, looking at the palms of my hands, "Michael showing up here last night." I murmur, looking up at her. 

"Wait, wait," she furrows her brows, "You're telling me you hadn't seen Michael for the past two months?" she asks, confused. I nod, resting my head against the back of the door. 

"Don't worry, I confronted him about it," I mumble, "At first he said he didn't want distraction while he was working on his album," I scoff as Danny and I roll out eyes at the same time, "I knew he was lying, so I kept pushing and that's when he told me about he knowledge of Janet and I being together." I sigh, rubbing my eyes. 

"Damn," she sighs, shaking her head, "And he's okay with that?" she ask, knitting her brows together. 

"I honestly don't know. I think he likes me too much to dwell on the past." I roll my eyes, placing my hand on her knee. 

"The past? Abby, you were in love with the girl..." Danny reminds me as my eyes widen a bit at the memory coming through my mind. 

"Stop," I sigh, holding my hand out. 

"Michael and Janet seem pretty similar," she sighs, and I shake my head rapidly, knowing exactly where she's going with this, "Is that the reason you're so attracted to Michael? Are you still in love with Janet?"

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