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As sweet dreams of Michael and our baby come to a slow in my mind, I feel myself finally waking up. 

I mean... finally is a stretch. I've been conscious enough to hear most things going on around me, but I haven't really seen anyone. 

I can't imagine how long I've been sleeping. It's been too good to be short. 

Slowly, my eyes open. I look around the room, feeling as groggy as ever, and there are people scattered here and there. 

They're all sleeping, with the exception of Steph who is pacing the floor in front of me as she was before. 

I look at Michael and my heart flutters. 

He is going to be such a great father. 

"Michael," I try, but it comes out almost inaudible. His face scrunches up a bit, as he stays curled up in his slumber on the chair, and I look back to Steph.

"I know," she whispers, "But this is not good. She'll never come back from this. This might just be it." 

"What?" I croak, squinting my eyes, and her face drops. Slowly, her head turns towards me before a smile consumes her face and her phone shatters on the floor. 

"Abby!" she exclaims, and the sleeping people come to, "Oh my God," she breathes, tears welling in her eyes as she runs to my side, "Oh my God, it's so good to see you." 

"Steph," I cough a bit before struggling to place a hand to my chest, "Who were you talking to?" I rasp. 

"What?" she asks, furrowing her brows, "I didn't understand. Your voice is shot."

"Who were you talking to?" I ask, slowly this time, and her face falls. 

"Abs," she sighs, holding the top of my hand as I hear Michael shift beside me, "We'll talk about that later. I'll go find a doctor." she smiles, pulling me into a light hug. 

"Bee," he says as Steph stands and walks away. I look beside me and smile at Michael who is now sitting as close as possible to my bedside with tears in his eyes, "I missed you." he sniffles, holding my hand with both of his. 

"I've been here," I grin, trying to smirk, but it comes out as a cough. 

"BITCH!" Bria screams, running over to me. 

I guess she's up from her nap. 

"Bitch you had me scared!" she scolds, before pausing to look at me and breaking down into a pool of tears, "Don't ever do that shit again," she sobs, lying across my sore body. 

"I'm sorry, but ouch," I croak, and her face coats with guilt. 

"I'm s-sorry, I-I just tho-"

"It's okay," I sigh shakily as I hold out my hand to quiet her. 

She smiles softly and hugs my body once more, this time more gently, as I finally notice Janet watching me with intent. 

"Hi," I smile, and a sorrowful smile tugs at the corners of her mouth. 

"How do you feel?" 

"I've had better days," I joke. She shakes her head, not taking my humor and sighs. 

"Mmm," she hums, folding her lips in as she nods her head. I furrow my brows as a few people walk into the room and all our attention is turned. 

"Wow," the doctor smiles, looking down at his chart as he walks to the end of my bed, "Look at you, trooper!" he exclaims before holding his board to his chest. Steph and the doctor who asked me what I was saying are standing behind him.

"Come on, it couldn't have been that bad," I joke. Everyone stays silent and the doctor smiles nervously and nobody else looks at me, "What?"

"How do you feel?" the doctor asks, changing the subject, "Any headaches? Pains? Discomforts?" he asks, placing the chart on the table before walking over to me to check my vitals. 

"Dr. Hendry," I sigh, reading his name tag, "What happened?" 

"You were in an accident," he sighs, pressing the stethoscope to my chest, "Breath in.... breath out.... but you're recovering very well." 

"Yeah, I had a great sleep," I sigh. His brows furrow and he shakes his head. 

"I'd hope so," he murmurs, "You've been out for five days." 

"What?" I say slowly, looking up to him as I feel everyone hold their breath.

"It was pretty brutal," he shakes his head with sympathy, "Your body needed to rest." 

"Why? What happened?" I ask slowly. 

"As I said, you were in an accident," the doctor says hesitantly, "But more specifically someone attacked you." 

I squint my eyes into the distance, trying to remember...

"My parents," I murmur and I feel all eyes lock in on me. 

"Sorry, Abby, what did you say?" the doctor asks hesitantly, knowing that there could be any reaction at any minute. 

"It was my parents," I sigh, shakily reaching to rub my tired eyes, "They did this to me." 

"Your parents made you loose their own-" 

Janet cuts Bria off, shooting her a look as I squint my eyes at them. 

"What did I-" 

"You're sure it was your parents?" Michael asks, still holding my hand, and I cut my eyes to him. 

"Of course I'm sure." I clip. Steph sighs heavily, looking to her phone once more, and dials a number before taking the call to the hallway. 

"Oh my God," Bria murmurs, starting to pace as if she's about to open a can of whoop-ass. 

"Well," the doctor breathes, smiling at me with sorrow, "I'm sorry about that. That must've been awful, but we need to discuss your injuries." 

"Lay it out," I sigh, rubbing my stomach... something is wrong, "I'm sure I can take it." 

"Well, let's hope," he jokes, but I know there is some sort of meaning behind it, "You have a transverse break in your left forearm," he begins, "It seems that someone had stepped on it to the point of breaking, and the same goes with your shin, but that's a hairline fracture. Your ankle is sprained and you have a moderate concussion that will heal with rest." he nods as I feel Michael's arm on me. 

"Is that all?" I ask slowly and everyone shifts, making a pool of nerves form in my stomach. 

"Bruised ribs as well," he sighs slowly before rubbing the bridge of his nose and standing from the bed, "But when you were assaulted... I'm sorry, Abby," he breathes and my brows furrow. 

"What?" I ask slowly, "What's wrong? Did somebody else get hurt?" 

Everyone looks at each other and Michael sniffles, squeezing my hand tightly as Janet's eyes brim with tears. 

"Abby, I'm sorry, but while you were assaulted your baby suffered more trauma then you. Your baby is dead. I'm sorry for your loss." 

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