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"Again guys, thank you so much. I couldn't do this without any one of you. I really appreciate the time and commitment each and everyone of you has put into this tour," I smile, sitting Indian style as everyone watches me intently, "I love you." I nod gratefully as everyone claps and cheers.

"We love you too!" A few people shout as one as others wink and smile at me appreciatively.

"So," I begin as the chatter dies down, "We have another show here tomorrow at 7pm. I want you all to be here at 11 am. Feel free to come earlier, since that is what I will be doing." I smile, winking at Scott who is standing outside of the circle.

I stand from my position and everyone who is sitting follows me.

"Once again, I love you all. Get your rest, go get something to eat, and suck back that water." I smile as everyone chuckles, "I will see all you bitches tomorrow." I laugh, walking off the stage as everyone claps for me.

I'm walking towards my dressing room, about to hopefully see Michael, when I hear someone running up behind me.

"Hey, Abby?" A deep voice calls from behind me. I turn to see Luke standing there, looking very good.

"Oh, hey Luke." I smile, batting my lashes, "What can I help you with?" I ask, leaning against my dressing room door.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go out for a drink or something?" He asks, scratching the back of his neck. I smile widely, folding my arms.

"As much as I'd love that, I'm really tired tonight and we have a big day tomorrow. Can I take a rain check?" I ask, standing up to walk closer to him.

"Oh, for sure. I'm really happy to be on this tour. Thank you for the opportunity." He says politely, as I place my hand on his chest.

"No problem," I smile, reaching on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek, "I'll see you tomorrow," I wink, "Goodnight." I smile before walking into my dressing room.

"Boy," I sigh, leaning against the back of my door.

"Do you treat everyone the way you've been treating me?" Michael asks from the corner of my dark dressing room, making me jump.

"Fuck, Michael," I gasp, holding my chest, "You scared the shit out of me." I sigh, leaning against the front of my desk.

"So are you gonna go out with him?" Michael snarks, cocking a brow. I rub the bridge of my nose as I consider his question.

"I don't know Michael, why does it matter?" I sigh, shaking my head.

"I just don't think it's fair to string a guy along when he clearly wants you." He says, starting to walk over to me.

"It's not my fault the guy dropped off the face of the earth for two months." I scoff, standing from the desk as he walks closer to me.

"Maybe the guy was waiting for you to call him," Michael starts raising his voice as he approaches me.

"Why would I do that?!" I scoff, folding my arms, "I called five times. I thought you would've called me back, but obviously I was mistaken."

"Maybe the guy was busy!" He yells, stepping in my face.

"Cut the bullshit Michael! You're the guy!Stop saying 'the guy'! You obviously didn't want me that badly if you didn't fucking have the time to call me back!" I yell, poking his chest.

He grabs my hand, taking me by surprise, and kisses each one of my knuckles as my lips part at the gesture.

"I'm sorry baby," he mumbles against the back of my hand. My mouth dries as he pulls me closer to him by the small of my back.

"Why didn't you call me?" I ask softly, looking up into his big brown eyes.

"I was really caught up with work. I'm putting out a new album soon and I've been in the studio for weeks." He explains, brushing a curl out of my face.

"But I tried to call you. Why wouldn't you return my calls?" I ask, placing my hands on his chest.

"I try and stay off my phone during the creative process. I don't want anything distracting me." I smiles lightly.

"Do I distract you?" I ask slowly, tracing his chest with my fingers.

"Honestly babe, I couldn't stop thinking about you." He sighs, kissing the space between my eyes and I close them instinctively, "I know we've only really hung out a couple of times, but you're on my mind all of time." he mumbles, leaning his lips into mine. 

Before he can kiss me, I step back, scoffing. 

"Okay," I smirk, grabbing my dance bag. I shove a couple my belongings in it since I will be back tomorrow. 

"What do you mean 'okay'?" he scoffs as I pull on my air maxes.

"If I was really on your mind, you would've called me." I smirk, realizing I care way too much about this. 

"You were," Michael sighs, reaching out to hold my arm, but I jerk it away from him. I walk out of my dressing room with him hot on my tail as I walk down the stairs and out the back doors of the stadium as Michael calls my name. 

As I walk outside I'm greeted by a crowd of fans screaming my name behind a metal gate. I smile, walking over to them, a few of them holding out something for me to sign. 

"I love you!" I yell as I sign a couple of posters, arms and notebooks. Michael follows close behind me and the crowd gets even more wild when they realize that Michael is actually 'Michael Jackson'. I roll my eyes at their interest in him. 

He's a jackass. 

If only they knew. I smirk to myself as I sign one last sheet of paper.

I blow kisses, holding my dance bag over my shoulder as I make my way to the stretch SUV. I hop in and Michael does too before I can shut it in his face. I rest my elbow on the sill of the car, groaning internally. 

"Take me to my condo Sam." I sigh shortly as my driver nods. 

"I thought you had a house in LA.," Michael mumbles from across the seat. 

"I do," I murmur, tucking one of my knees to my chest, "I also have a condo." 

"Why?" he asks after a few seconds.

"Because I can," I sigh, staring at the bright city lights.

Michael stays silent as I realize for the first time tonight that I'm exhausted. Mentally, of course. The adrenaline is still up from the concert.

I could really use a fuck right now.

I should've gone out with Luke.

Or maybe Michael will tire me out. I mean he already has, mentally. I wonder how he would do physically.

I smile to myself as we turn onto the highway, making our way to my condo as my mind swims with the possibilities of tonight. 

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