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I curl up in a ball on the couch after I've cleaned everything that I've smashed. 

Now it's up to Michael to make his appearance. 

To be honest, I'm a whole bundle of hormones and emotions right now. I'm excited, nervous, angry, overwhelmed, over the moon, and anxious to see Michael. 

I hope we have sex. 

I really want to have sex. 

I'm so horny these days, and let's face it... Michael is the only one I want to have sex with. He's the only one who fucks me right and can keep up with my sexual pace. 

"Michael, hurry up," I groan to myself as I absentmindedly rub my lower stomach. 

I hope he's happy about this. He better be happy about this. It's his kid. Mine too, but he put this little baby in here. 

As I'm lost in my reverie, someone knocks lightly on the door, making me snap out of it. 

I swallow nervously, hoisting myself from the couch and hesitantly making my way over to the door. 

"Bee, open up," Michael says softly, and I sigh, relieved that it wasn't anyone else. I look through the peep hole, just to double check, and slowly open the door, "Bee." he sighs happily, a smile erupting on his face as he sees me standing in front of him. 

"Hi Michael," I smile shyly, tucking a curl behind my ear and crossing my right leg behind my left one, "Come in." I say softly, gesturing into my condo. He nods, smiling lovingly before I close the door behind him and lock the door. 

"Are you okay, Bee?" he asks with concern, turning to me as I press my back against the door, "You sounded upset when I talked to you on the phone." he says, slowly making his way over to me, but wisely keeping his distance. 

"I'm... I'm okay Michael," I sigh, closing my eyes for a second.

"No you're not," he murmurs, walking closer to me, not leaving much space between us, and the electricity surges. I swear I see the lights flicker for a second, "What's wrong, Bee." He asks, reaching out to hold my face in his hands. I lean away before walking around him. 

"Do you want something to drink?" I ask, and he sighs heavily, knowing I'm not going to give him the answer to his question that easily. 

"Water, please," he says politely, and I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and walk it over to him before going back to the kitchen to lean against the island. He opens it, taking a long, slow drink, and I watch his Adam's apple bob the whole time. 

Damn, this man is sexy. 

"How've you been?" I ask hesitantly, not exactly sure what to talk about before we talk about... it. 

"Missing you," he sighs, walking over to lean against the half-wall that is facing me, "I've missed you so much, Bee." he repeats and I can see the truth in his eyes. 

"Michael, don-"

"I'm sorry, Bee," he says shakily, looking down at the bottle in his hand before looking back up to look me in the eyes, sparking that undeniable connection again, "I really am. Every night I've been praying to God that you'd come back to me, or that I'd find my way back to you again. I also tell him that I know I'm wrong. I am wrong, Bee. I was wrong, and I still am wrong for not calling you or returning your calls. I'm so sorry for that," he sighs, his voice fragile, "I know I fucked up. I fucked up, bad. Especially because of the way I treated you when you were on tour." 


"Please, take me back," he pleads, walking up to me, "Please. I can't sleep without you, I can't eat, I can't focus properly," his voice croaks, making tears brim in my eyes, "Please, please, please take me back." he begs, placing the bottle of water on the island behind me before getting on his knees, and looking up to me. 

"Michael, don't do this." my voice shakes, and a tear runs down his cheek. 

"Take me back, Bee," I his voice scratches before he wraps his arms around me to hold the back of my thighs, "Please. I can't live without you," he cries, placing his forehead on my lower stomach, and I feel all three of us connect, though he doesn't know it yet. 

"Michael, you hurt me," I choke out, quickly wiping the tear that has fallen onto my cheek, "It's not that simple... it's not that easy." 

"Please," he cries, looking up at me with bloodshot eyes, "Please, just forgive me. I'll do anything. I'll do anything," he cries, making tears run down my face as well, "Please, I'll postpone the tour... hell, I'll cancel it. I'll spend the rest of my life with you and you only... just you. No press, no studio, no fame, no nothing. We can hideway forever if that's what you want. Please, just take me back." he sobs into my stomach and I feel my heart cracking. 

"Michael, stand up," I rasp, "Stand up. Please stand up." I ask, placing my hands on his shoulders. 

"Baby, please take me back. I'll do everything right, ple-" 

"Michael, get up." I demand, cutting him off. He breathes in sharply, wiping his eyes with his hands before slowly getting to his feet. 

"Abby, I love you," he cries, as do I, "I'm in love with you. You will be the only woman for me... ever. I shouldn't have taken what we had so lightly. I need you. You're my everything." 

"I have to tell you something," I cry. Michael holds his face in my hands before kissing away the tears on my cheeks, and my heart flutters and butterflies fill my stomach. 

"Does it have to do with why you sounded so distraught on the phone?" he asks, pulling away to search my eyes for answers. 

"Yes," my voice quivers. I take his hand in mine, and bring it up to my lips, kissing the palm of his hand before placing it on my stomach. 

"Bee, what are you..." he trails off, looking down at my stomach before he looks back into my eyes, "Bee," he gasps, looking back to my hand over his on my stomach. 

"You're going to be a daddy, Michael." 

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