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"Fuck," I groan, leaning against the wall beside the toilet as my brow drips with sweat, "I really have to go see that doctor." I mumble to myself, resting all my weight on the wall. I close my eyes, and they well up immediately.... all over again. 

Since I left Michael two days ago, I've been vomiting and crying like there is no tomorrow. Clearly, I'm upset, and anyone who knows me, knows that I never get upset like this. 

"Michael," I cry, my heart aching, as I curl into a ball on the cold, tile floor, "Michael," I continue to sob. 

Has he called? Yes, of course. As soon as I leave him, he gets the hint to fucking call me... but I have not and will not pick up. I need to get over him. He is too much for me, and I can't rely on someone who isn't going to be there for me. This was probably meant to be, anyways. I don't know how long we were going to last while he was on tour. He probably wouldn't have called me or picked up my calls anyways. 

"Michael," I cry, my tears pouring down my cheeks and onto the floor as my stomach turns again. 

Fuck, here we go. 

I lean over the toilet, and grip the seat, as my phone starts to ring for the fiftieth time since I got up this morning. 



Michael's POV 

"Okay guys, that's fantastic," I sigh, watching the dancers stand in their finishing poses on the stage, "I want you to run it again, okay Travis?" I ask, pulling my phone out of my pocket, "I'll be back in a minute."

"Got it Mike," he throws a wink at me before I walk up the stage stairs, and backstage all the way down the hallway to my dressing room. I shut the door behind me, and slide down it as tears start to roll down my face. 

"God, Abby, why," I sob, holding my head in my hands. I look at my phone, and there's nothing from her. I dial her number again; I have it memorized now, "Fuck, pick up." I grit, my cheeks covered in wetness. 

"Hey, it's Abby! If you're looking for me and I don't answer, I'm probably busy, so leave it be. Leave a message at the tone if you must, Beep." 

Her voice is so smooth and buttery. Damn I miss her.

"Hey baby," I swallow, shakily, leaving my first voicemail to her, "I miss you so much. I haven't been able to function the way that I normally have when I know you're with me. I miss you so much, baby. I know... I know I fucked up, but please, please come back to me. I need you. I love you. You're the love of my life. Please co-" 

"Beep, beep, beep," the dial tone cuts me off, and I press the red button and throw my phone across the room. 

"Fuck!" I grit, hanging my head between my knees and sobbing some more. 

Please come back to me Bee. I need you. 


Abby's POV 

"WHY MICHAEL!"I sob under my sheets as I listen to his voicemail for the sixth time in a row, "Why did you fucking do this to me? I was not ever supposed to love anybody like this," I cry, shoving my face in the pillow. I flop onto my side and pick up the phone, dialling the number that I've been putting off. 

"Hello, this is Dr. Tang's office, how can I help you today?" 

"Hello?" I sniffle, and the person on the other end gasps softly. 

"Dear, are you okay?" she asks as I hear a lot of rustling and commotion in the background. 

"I'm fine," I sniffle, "I would just like to make an appointment with Dr. Tang, as soon as possible."

"Okay, hun," she sighs, and I can tell she feels bad for me just because she hears me crying, "What is the appointment concerning?" she asks, and I hear her rustling papers. 

"I think I'm sick," I sigh, wiping my nose, "I've been throwing up a lot lately." 

"Oh," she says, and I can tell she's furrowing her brows, "Okay, dear, what is your name?" 

"Westbrook... Abby," I sigh, and she hesitates. 

"Abby?" she asks, and I furrow my brows. 

"Yes..." I ask hesitantly. 

"It's Crystal!" she exclaims, and a smile touches my lips. 

"Shit, Crystal, how are you?" I ask, grinning a bit more. 

"Oh, I'm great Hun, how are you?" she asks, and I close my eyes, rubbing the bridge of my nose. 

"I could be better," I sigh, "Things are just really crazy right now." 

"Oh yeah, hun, I see you all over that television. I can't believe how grown you are now." she smiles, and I smirk, shaking my head. 

Crystal has been my the receptionist at Dr. Tang's office forever. I've known her since I can remember, even after I left my parents. Thank God for Canadian health care. 

"Yeah, it's wild," I sigh. 

"Well, since it's you," she begins, and I can hear her typing on the computer, "I'm going to make the date for tomorrow, is that good?" she asks, and I smile. 

"How'd you do that? Usually you have to wait a couple months out for an appointment," I smirk, and she giggle. 

"You know I have my ways, baby," she grins, making me laugh. 

"Thanks, Crystal, I really appreciate it." I smile. 

"I can't wait to see you Abby!" she exclaims, "I'll see you tomorrow." 

"Bye Crystal, I look forward to it." 

I hang up the phone, and dial Stephanie's number. 

"Abby?!" she exclaims, "I've been trying to get ahold of you for the past three days!" she exclaims, and I wince at her screaming through the phone, "Where have you been?! You haven't even been at rehearsals for your new music video!" she scolds, and I roll my eyes scoffing. 

"Steph, take a chill pill. I told Tyler that I wasn't going to be there, and he has everything taken care of. I've just been taking a few days. I haven't been feeling well." I mutter and she scoffs. 

"Okay, well you could've told me," she tuts. 

"Whatever, Steph, anyways," I sigh and I can tell she's rolling her eyes, "Tell the guys to get my jet ready. I'm flying to Canada tomorrow for my doctor's appointment." 

"What?!" she screeches, and I wince, pulling the phone away from my ear, "Are you joking?! This is not the time to be going to Canada. You have a lot on your plate," she reminds me and I roll my eyes. 

"Then push it back. I'll pay for any costs that need to be covered, I don't care. I need a few days, and I'm going to Canada. Tell the guys to get the jet ready. Call me when it's done." I demand before hanging up the phone, and hoisting myself from my bed.

Fuck, Michael, I never should've loved you. I knew loving would have some sort of repercussion... I just didn't think it would be this significant. 

I strip from my clothes as I make my way back into the master bathroom and turn on the water as I hold my aching heart, hoping to wash away some of this pain that I've caused myself. 

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