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"Michael?" I ask, making sure he heard me as he stares at my stomach. 

"Abby," he says softly, "Don't joke around about something like this." he says, looking up into my eyes after looking at my stomach for over a minute without a word.  

"You think I would lie about something like this?" I ask quietly, squinting my eyes at him. He looks back down to my stomach, my hand still over his and he gasps loudly. 

"Bee," he breathes, looking into my eyes, "I'm going to be a father?" he whispers in disbelief, and I still can't read whether he's happy or not. 

"Yes, Michael," I sigh shakily, "You're going to be a father," I smile shyly, running my thumb over the back of his hand. He looks back down and up to me a few more times before a bright smile erupts on his face. 

"Yes!" he exclaims, happily, wrapping his arms around my waist and picking me up to swing me around, making me squeal in excitement. 

"Michael," I giggle as he continues to spin me and I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me into the middle of the floor, "Michael put me down." I laugh as he slows before putting me down, letting my feet touch the ground. 

Michael looks down at me, keeping me in his arms and I place my hands on his chest. He brushes a curl behind my ear and smiles widely, wider than I've ever seen him smile. 

"We're going to be parents?" he whispers, still shocked, but his smile stays consuming his face. 

"Yes," I sigh and he looks down, between us, at my stomach. 

"Wow," he marvels, "Wow," he repeats, touching my lower stomach, "When did you find out?" he asks, looking into my eyes with his bright ones. 

"Right before I called you," I sigh, remembering how I was feeling.

"Is that why you were throwing up so much?" he asks, furrowing his brows with concern. 

"Yes," I sigh, "But Michael, we need to talk." his face falls and he wraps his arms back around my waist, completely against letting me go... emotionally and physically. 

"What?" he asks softly, looking down into my eyes, and I'm completely drawn into the man I love, "Whatever it is, we can work it out. We can work us out. We can fix whatever needs to be fixed." 

"Michael," I sigh, shaking my head, looking down to my hands that are still on his chest, "It's not that simple."

"Yes it is," he says and I can hear his voice starting to crack, "We can go to couples therapy... we can set boundaries... we can set specific times to call each other everyday." he says as I take his hand and lead him over to the couch, "What are you doing?" he asks. 

"I want to be in your arms when we talk about everything," I smile shyly, and he sighs, lying on his back before pulling me into his arms so that I can lie between his legs with my back on his chest. 

"I love you," he says softly, lightly pulling my curls with one hand as he wraps the other arm around me. 

"I love you too," I sigh shakily, trying to hold back tears, "I'm glad you're happy about me carrying your child." I admit, and my confession lifts a massive weight off of my shoulders. I was scared he wouldn't be happy at all. 

"Are you kidding?" he scoffs playfully, "I am ecstatic. I've wanted kids forever... I love kids. I'm so happy that you're having my child. You're the only one who I'd want to have children with anyways." he confesses and my cheeks brighten. 

"Really?" I ask with a love-sprung grin as I look back at him. 

"Of course," he smiles, kissing the top of my head. 

"So you are one hundred percent sure you want this baby? There's no part of you that might want me to... get rid of it?" I ask hesitantly, wincing a bit at the possibility. 

"Why would you even say that?" he scoffs, offended this time, "I can't believe you would even say that. I would never ever want you to have an abortion, my baby or not."

Shit. I've made him angry. 

"I'm sorry," I sigh, closing my eyes as I place my hands on his thighs, "I just... if it were somebody else in your position they might want me to get an abortion." 

"I'm not someone else though," he murmurs, irritated, "Do you want an abortion?" he asks slowly, and I know that he is completely judging me. 

"While I am pro choice," I begin, and I feel him tense, "I wouldn't want to lose my child." I say, and he breathes out, releasing all of the tension he was holding in, "I could never... I mean... it's my child... it's your child. I couldn't." I say softly and Michael starts playing with my hair again. 

"What was your reaction when you found out?" he asks, and I sigh heavily, rubbing the bridge of my nose, knowing he won't like my answer. 

"I was devastated," I confess, and he lets out a slight gasp, "I was completely devastated." 

"How could you ev-" 

"Michael, hear me out," I sigh, interrupting his angry voice, "You have to listen to me and try and understand my side of things." 

"Okay," he mumbles, rubbing his hands up my arms, letting me know he's not completely upset with me. 

"I was completely beside myself," I begin, "Because the first thing I thought was that my career would be ruined. I have to finish all of these music videos for my new album before I'm starting to show, we're not married, so I know the press will have something to say about that, I won't be able to manage my life the same way I've been managing for so long." I explain. 

"Hmm," he hums, sending the vibrations through me, and I feel him nod. 

"And mostly, I was scared," I sigh shakily, trying to hold back tears, "The press is going to be on my ass and I know that some people won't look at me or like me the same because I'm going to have this baby." 

"Then that's their problem," Michael mumbles, tracing circles on my shoulders. 

"It's not only that," I sigh, reaching up to intertwine my fingers with his, "I never planned to have children," I divulge, and Michael stays silent, "I knew I never wanted to have kids. I saw and experienced how my parents treated me, and I don't know how I would even begin to raise my child. I'd be an awful parent, Michael. I have no experience with good parents, so there's nothing that would make me a good parent. I've never wanted kids... ever. Sure, I love kids, but I just  never wanted my own." I confess as I feel Michael breathe deeply, making me rise with his chest. 

"Just because your parents weren't the best, doesn't mean you're not going to be a good parent," Michael sighs, comforting me as he rubs his thumb over the back of my hand, "Though you have a tough exterior, you are one of the most caring, understanding and loving people I've ever met," he explains, making my brows raise in surprise, "When you're in a relationship, whether it be friendly or romantic, you give it all you've got with what you know. You don't try and buy people off, you actually give them a valuable relationship." he compliments, a grin tugging at the corners of my mouth

"I just really would not know where to start," I sigh, resting the back of my head on his chest as I squeeze his thighs, "I'm sure I'll figure it out, I always do, but I've never had a good foundation." 

"Abby," Michael says hesitantly, and I furrow my brows, looking back at him. 

"Yeah?" I ask slowly, and he shifts his eyes before breathing deeply and looking back into mine. 

"Do you really want this baby? Because it doesn't sound like you do." 

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