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"What?" I chuckle, not letting it reach my eyes. 

"I asked if you really want this baby," he restates, arching a brow, "Because it doesn't seem like you do."

"Michael," I murmur, irritated, sitting up from his chest and standing from the couch, "I already said that I'm keeping this baby. I want this child." I fight, folding my arms as I stand in front of the couch, looking down at him. He sits up, placing his feet on the ground, but stays sitting. 

"You sound like you care more about your career," he says, arching his brow again. 

"Of course, Michael," I scoff,  placing my hands on my hips, "I just found out I was pregnant a couple hours ago. My career is the only thing I've ever had to worry about, so excuse me if I'm a bit concerned or scared when it comes to what might just happen when the world finds out I'm pregnant."

"It's good to know that you care more about the way that the world sees you then our child that is in you right now." he chuckles angrily, standing from the couch. 

"You are not helping," I grit, and he shoots me a look. 

"What am I supposed to say?" he scoffs, holding his arms out to the side. 

"Tell me it's going to be alright!" I yell, feeling my emotions getting the best of me as tears well up in my eyes, "You're supposed to tell me that everything is going to be fine, and everyone is going to be happy, and my career is not going to end!" I yell, my voice cracking, as a tear runs down my cheek, "You're supposed to tell me that I'm going to be fine! I'm fucking scared Michael!" I sob, and his face falls, a sad, painful look consuming him. 

"I'm sorry," he sighs, walking over to me and wrapping me in his warm embrace, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pushed you." 

"Michael, I'm so scared," I sob, "This was not planned. I know that everything happens for a reason, but I'm so scared." I cry into his chest as he rubs my back, trying to calm me. 

"Shhh," he hushes me gently, "It's okay." 

"I'm going to be fat and ugly," I cry, making him laugh. I try to push him away, but he keeps a loving hold on me, wrapping his arms around my waist, and looking down into my eyes. 

"You're not going to be fat and ugly," he smiles lovingly into my eyes, "You're going to be showing, glowing and beautiful." he smiles in one cheek, "I can't wait to see you waddling around." he teases, and my tears return. I sob, letting out the ugliest sounds ever and Michael's face contorts in confusion. 

"You wan't me to waddle?!" I exclaim through my ugly bawl, "You just want me all to yourself. You don't want anyone to look at me." I cry, and he smiles, shaking his head. 

"You're already so hormonal," he smiles, clearly amused, and I shove him away, successfully this time. I fold my arms and turn away from him, pouting. 

"Shut up, Michael," I whine. He smiles brightly, waking over to me, "This isn't funny." 

"Yes it is, babe," he grins, walking up behind me, letting me feel his body heat radiating against my back, "But you know what I think you need?" he asks softly, his breath touching my ear, sending chills down my spine. 

"What?" I grumble, trying to save face. 

"I think," he begins, leaning down to kiss my shoulder, "We need," another kiss, closer to my neck, "Makeup sex." 

"Really?" I ask slowly as he places his lips on my sweet spot and starts to suck on it. 

"Mmhmm," he hums into my heated skin, "Hot, angry, makeup sex." he mumbles against my neck before kissing it again and turning me in his arms. 

"And why do you think that?" I ask, slowly rubbing my hands down his chest to his abs as he reaches around to squeeze my ass. 

"Because," he smirks, looking into my eyes with lust, "You reek of want and lust for me." he winks and I scoff, rolling my eyes. 

"You think that highly of yourself?" 

"I've had to," he mumbles, leaning in to kiss my jaw, "You weren't around to lift me up." 

"Michael," I sigh, "I was gone for a week." 

"It felt like a lifetime," he murmurs, leaning down to kiss my neck and I tilt my head back, giving him full access. 

"Were you really not sleeping without me?" I ask after a few moments of silence and Michael kissing my neck and shoulders. 

"Yeah," he sighs heavily as I turn in his arms, "When I have you beside me, in my hold... that's the only time I can sleep." he says sadly, looking down into my eyes, "Another reason I'm not looking forward to this tour at all. I know I won't be able to sleep especially because you're not going to be with me." 

"Oh, Michael," I sigh, caressing his cheek with my soft hand and he nuzzles his cheek into it, making my heart flutter.

"I'm so happy that we're back together," he mumbles, and I raise my brows. 

"Well," I scoff, as he looks down into my eyes, "You never asked for me to take you back, so technically we're still apart." I say, faking seriousness, and his eyes light up with amusement. 

"Oh, really?" he smirks before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me in even closer, so that we're pelvis to pelvis... actually it's more like pelvis to lower stomach, but I digress. 

"Mmhmm," I hum, as he looks down at me with pure admiration and love. 

"Abby Westbrook," he begins, clearing his throat, "I know that I have severely messed up in the few years that we've known each other," he begins, making me grin like a love ridden idiot, "But it would mean the world and more if you would take me back. I promise to call, I promise to answer when you call, I promise to be on top of the relationship and to not take what I have for granted. So please, please, please... take me back." he pleads, staring into my eyes the whole time, and I smile brightly, pulling him into a deep kiss. 

"Yes Michael," I grin against his lips before kissing him again as he squeezes my ass, "Yes, I'd love to take you back. Now, baby daddy, make it up to me in the bedroom." I whisper seductively. He happily obliges by picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder, making me scream, before marching me right to the bedroom to have his way with me. 

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