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"Abby," someone calls softly, shaking my shoulder, "Abby, get up honey." a soft voice says, holding my shoulders. I groan softly, hiding my face in the cold leather, "Babe, let's get you to bed."

My brows furrow, my eyes staying shut as I roll over to see who it is.

"Janet," I sniff as she holds out her hand to help me up, "What are you doing here?" I sniffle, wiping my nose with the back of my hand, pulling me to my feet, "How did you know about the party?" I ask as she smiles wanly, regarding my drunken state.

"Danny told me," she sighs, reaching out to hold my hand, "Let's get you to bed." she says sorrowfully, pulling me towards the door.

"How did you know where to find me?" I sigh shakily, letting her pull out of the room.

"I always know where to find you." she winks over her shoulder, "Just because we're not together anymore doesn't mean I don't know where to find you." she grins as my brows furrow.

"Yeah, I guess." we walk up the stairs in silence as the music is faint and I see a couple of things in the hall knocked over, making me guess it was the drunk guests who left, "What time is it?" I ask groggily, rubbing my eyes with the palm of my hand.

"It's 3 am," she sighs, shaking her head and my brows raise, "Not the worst you've had." she giggles, making me smile as she continually holds my hands, walking me through the party room, towards the stairs to the bedrooms.

"Wait," I sigh, resisting her tug for a second, "I should clean some stuff up." I murmur, letting go of her hand to walk back into the party room.

"Abby, there's a reason that you have staff for that." she chuckles, walking back to get me.

I feel like a tired child.

This was not the plan for tonight.

"Janet, you can go." I mumble, getting irritated with her presence, "I don't need you here." I murmur, a little snippy.

"God, here we go," she says under her breath, but I catch it.

"What?" I snap, still slurring a bit.

"It was always the dumb shit with you," she sighs, folding her hands, "You never wanted my help and it looks like things still haven't changed."

"Janet, you know damn well that's not why we broke up," I point my acrylic, jumping to conclusions.

"Abby, I didn't come her to fight," she breathes, shaking her head.

"We broke up because I found you hooking up with some groupie when you were at one of my concerts." I scoff as she rolls her eyes.

"I'm not here to argue," she reiterates, "I just came here to wish you a happy birthday and see how you were." she says genuinely, making me huff as I lean against a wall, trying to keep my balance.

"I'm sure Michael can tell you about that," I say sarcastically as her brows furrow.

"Michael?" she asks, shaking her head, "What do you mean?"

"Nothing," I murmur, dragging myself past her, "Nothing at all."

"What do you and my brother have in relation?" she scoffs as I lean against the spiralized railing.

"I don't do relationships," I mumble and Janet's eyes widen, knowingly, "But if you were to call it something, I guess that would be what Michael and I were doing before I went on tour."

"You were the girl who my brother was head over heel's for?" she says in complete and utter shock.

"That's a stretch," I scoff, walking up a couple of steps, "Your brother hasn't called me or even talked to me in almost two years since my tour started." I sigh as Janet rubs her brow.

"That's why you're drunk like this." she nods piecing the puzzle together.

"You don't know anything." I snark, starting to walk up the stairs.

"You're really great at pushing people away," Janet grits, taking her bag off of the bottom step and heading towards the front door, "Maybe there's a reason my brother didn't call you. We both know there's a reason why you and I broke up, and it was not because of that fucking groupie that was backstage." she scoffs, putting on her shoes.

"Janet," I sigh, feeling guilty all over again.

"Abby, I loved you," her voice strains and my brows furrow, "I still have love for you and I know you feel the same way about me. You have to let go of the past and everything that fucked you up so that your present relationships can get what they deserve. You're a fantastic person, and it's too bad that most people can't see that because of this tough facade that you put on. You and I are over, I know that," she confesses with disappointment, "I was upset when it ended, but I know now that it wasn't meant to be. If my brother feels remotely the same amount that I felt for you, you need to get your shit together and accept his love. Not everyone is trying to fuck you over." she grits as I hang over the railing, "Bye, Abs," she sighs, shaking her head, "I love you."

I watch Janet walk out of the house and down the driveway through the glass windows.

"Shit," I grit, prying myself from the railing after a few minutes. I make my way up the stairs, keeping Janet's words in my mind.

I really do need to get my shit together.

Is Michael really done with me?

I make my way into my room and strip from my sticky, sweaty, tear and booze filled outfit. I throw my clothing around the room as I take it off before deciding to take a shower.

As I'm about to turn on the tap, the doorbell rings and so does my head.

"Who shows up for a party at 3am?" I groan, putting on my black, satin robe and making my way down the stairs, slowly but surely, trying not to fall on the way. I shut my eyes tightly, swinging open the nine-foot door, about to make a snarky remark when my eyes make contact with the person who I've been waiting on for two years.


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