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"Michael, stop," I giggle as he kisses all over my stomach and my legs dangle from the sterile table. 

"I'm kissing my baby," he murmurs against my soft skin. 

"I appreciate that, but whatever doctor that's about to walk in here is going to think Michael Jackson is a nut." I smirk, and he sighs, kissing my belly one last time before standing. He keeps his hands on my stomach. 

"They already think I'm a nut anyways," he murmurs, rolling his eyes. 

"Prove them wrong," I grin. I hold his face in my hands and kiss his lips lovingly as he stands between my legs. 

"Hello, Miss Westbrook," the doctor smiles down at her clipboard as she walks into the room, shutting the door behind her, "I'm Dr. Jensen, and can I just say that I'm a hu-" 

She cuts herself off, looking to Michael, and her lips part in surprise. 

I'm honestly shocked she's not actually in shock.

"Michael Jackson?" she asks, raising her brows and Michael smiles, stepping over to stand beside me and she clears her throat, "I mean, Mr. Jackson, I'm sorry," she smiles, embarrassed, "I wasn't aware that you were joining Miss Westbrook today." 

"Yeah, I didn't know either until yesterday," he grins, turning to wink at me and I roll my eyes playfully. 

"Did you just find out about the baby?" she asks towards me. 

"Yes, I just got the results yesterday," I sigh heavily and Michael rubs my lower back, comfortingly. My pulse picks up at his touch. 

"Well, between the two of you, your baby is going to be very good looking," she smiles and we both laugh a bit. 

"Thanks," Michael grins, and I try to take the compliment. 

"So," she begins, clicking on the computer, "Let's take a look at this little person inside of you." 

Dr. Jensen directs me to take off my shirt and lie down before she pulls out a bottle of the ultrasound gel and squirts it on my stomach. I wince a bit from the coolness of it and Michael holds my hand as I watch her swirl the wand on my stomach. 

"So," she murmurs, watching the screen as she squints her eyes. A warbled pulsing noise comes from the machine and she smiles, "That's the heart beat," she grins, looking towards us and my heart melts. 

It's real. 

"Now, let's see if we can find the little blip," she sighs, squinting at the screen again, "There it is," she grins, pointing to the little speck on the screen, "That's your baby. Right there." 

"Wow," Michael sighs in awe as tears well up in my eyes. 

"That's crazy," I sigh and Michael rubs his thumb over the back of my hand. 

"Looks like you're just around six weeks," she nods, still holding the wand over my stomach, "Do you want me to print this picture for you?" she asks, and both Michael and I say yes. She nods with a smile, pausing the screen and removing the wand from my belly before printing the image out.

"I can't believe it," I sigh, looking up to Michael. 

"The release party," he whispers after leaning down to the shell of my ear as the doctor scribbles a few things on her clipboard. 

"What release party?"

"For my album," he grins, wiggling his brows before leaning back in, "After the release party I fucked your li-" 

I quickly place a hand over his mouth, making him muffle the rest and I shoot him a look before gesturing to the doctor. He shrugs, rolling his eyes. 

"I don't care," he smirks as I remove his hand and sigh. 

"Michael, we fuck like there's no tomorrow," I scoff quietly and Dr. Jensen tries to suppress a laugh, "It could've been any time around then." 

"I know it was after the release party," he grins, placing his hand on my thigh and I feel my heart rate pick up again. 

"So, here is your picture," Dr. Jensen smiles, handing us the photo. We look at the picture together as she rips a sheet of paper from her clipboard, "And here is the prescriptions for prenatal vitamins," she nods, and I take the sheet from her, "Please take them as prescribed. They're going to keep the baby healthy, and ensure that you'll have the best chances of nothing going wrong during your pregnancy." 

"Thank you," I smile as Michael continues to look at the photo. 

"Of course," she nods, standing from the stool, "I let you two show yourselves out. Take your time. I'll see you at the next appointment." she nods, reaching for the door handle. 

"Thanks again," I smile and she nods before walking out. 

I sigh heavily, sitting up and pulling my shirt down. Michael swings my legs towards him, stands in between them, and places the picture beside us before pulling me into the hottest, dizziest kiss we've ever shared. 

"Mmm," I moan into his mouth, as he laces his tongue with mine, and I wrap my arms around his neck, getting lost in whatever this is. 

Michael caresses my curves, pulling me in deeper, and I feel his erection growing against his stomach before he pulls away. 

"Damn," I sigh, my eyes fogging over, and he grins. He brushes a curl behind my ear, continuing to hold me close.

"I love you," he grins as I try and refocus my thoughts. 

"What was that for?" I breathe, looking up to him with hooded eyes and he smiles that cocky smile. 

"You're just so sexy when you're carrying my child," he growls causing more wetness to coat my folds. 

"And when I'm not?" I smirk, trying to shuffle away his sex appeal. 

"You're the most beautiful woman in the world," he grins, resting his forehead against mine and my hear flutters, "But this just makes you all the more sexy." 

"I bet," I smirk, closing my eyes briefly. I sigh heavily, letting silence linger between us, "I can't believe you're leaving tomorrow." I mumble. 

"Abby," he murmurs, standing up a bit to look down into my eyes. 

"I just can't believe that this happens, and then you have to leave," I grunt, shaking my head. 

"Don't get upset," he sighs, rubbing my arms. 

"I'm not," I scrunch my nose, looking to him, "Just... perfect timing." I smirk, sarcasm dripping from my voice. 

"I know baby," he mumbles, resting his hands on my thighs, "I know." 

"And I'm horny all the time," I groan, throwing my head back and he chuckles, kissing my exposed neck, "What am I gonna do?" 

"Invest in a good vibrator," he smirks, running his nose up my neck making me shiver, "And phone sex... a lot of phone sex." 

"I want real sex, Michael," I sigh, leaning back on my hands as he rests his on either side of my thighs, "With you. I just want you." 

"I want you too, but you know that there's nothing I can do," he exasperates. 

"I know, I know," I murmur, shaking my head. 

"But until I leave, you're all mine." he grins, kissing my lips chastely. 

"Yeah, for a whole twenty one hours," I say with attitude and he chuckles. 

"Better than nothing."

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