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"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I groan, ducking into the back of my limo. 

"Eric, can you please roll the divider up?" Stephanie asks, sitting across from me, "Thank you," she says as he rolls his up, "What the hell is up with you?" Stephanie asks, finally putting her phone down for once.

"Everything," I groan, holding my face in my hands as I feel my eyes well up all over again, "My whole life is falling apart." I ball, and Stephanie's jaw drops in shock. 

She's never seen me cry like this. 

I don't even think I've ever seen myself cry like this. 

"Abby," she says seriously, placing her hand on my knee, "What is going on with you. You've never held anything back from me, and I don't know what's been going on lately, but you've been so... distant. It's okay to keep to yourself, but you've never been this way since I've known you." she says genuinely, as I rest my elbows on my knees, tears streaming down my face. 

"Steph, I broke up with Michael," I bawl, and she gasps lightly, "Oh please, don't act like you didn't want it to happen. We've talked about what you told him before my tour, so I know you want him out of the picture." I sob, my heart aching so much I want to rip it out of my chest. 

"Abs, you know it wasn't like that," she sighs, leaning back against the seat, "I just wanted you to have your full attention on the tour, and not keep thinking about Michael and when he was going to call and if he was going to show up. I knew that it was going to take a toll on you. I thought he would try and end, not just stop calling you out of the blue. That was even worse than what I wa-" 

"You're not making it better Stephanie! If you keep talking I'm going to kick you out, maybe even fire you!" I yell, making her eyes widen, "I'm in love with Michael. Michael is the love of my life. I didn't even believe in having a monogamous relationship before Michael, let alone love! He is the everything and the anything I need in my life! But, I ended it..." I sob, and Steph furrows her brows, clearly confused by this, "I know he doesn't love me as much as I love him. I had to end it. If I hadn't of, I know he would've hurt me anyways... like he has before." 

"Michael hasn't ever voluntarily hurt you, Abs," she says hesitantly, and I look up at her with puffy eyes.

"What?" I choke, and she sighs, folding her hands in her lap. 

"Anytime that Michael has hurt you, it hasn't been on purpose or something that he thought or knew was going to hurt you... if you think about it." she says slowly. 

"What are you trying to say?" I snap, wiping my tears away. 

"Abby, you're a very difficult person to guess at," she says, and I knit my brows together, "It's hard to read you, it's hard to know what you want, and it's hard to know what you are going to do next. Michael is the same way," she says, and my frown deepens, "I think you're both the same way in terms of not communicating. You both internalize everything, so that when the other is not understanding, you blow up." 

"Okay, and?" I ask, getting irritated. 

"All I'm saying is that you should go and talk to Michael. Lay everything out, set boundaries, and make rules or wants for your relationship." she suggests, and I roll my eyes. 

"That sounds like something worth a lot of time that I don't have." I scoff, and she rolls her eyes. 

"And this is part of the problem," she sighs, throwing her hands up and letting them slap on her lap, "If you're not willing to put in the effort, you're not going to get the outcome you want. You've never had to put effort into a relationship because you haven't felt the need to have one." she informs me and I shake my head. 

"If Michael wants to try, he can come get me," I smirk, shaking my head, "Of course I leave him, and all he does is call," I sniffle, wiping the last of my tears, "All I've wanted was for him to call me. That's all I've wanted. And now that I've left him, he calls. Go figure." I smirk, shaking my head. 

"This is really getting to you, isn't it?" she sighs, and I nod, the last tears slipping from my eye. Eric rolls down the divider, clearing his throat. 

"Miss Westbrook, we are here, at your Mother's house," he informs. 

Yeah. I took the paper with their information on it. 

"Thank you, Eric," I sigh, looking at the window, at the middle class bungalow, that is actually very nice and put together, "Um, are you sure this is my Mother's house?" I ask, recalling that our dingy shack never looked anything like this. 

"Yes, this is what the sheet said," he nods, and I sigh, staring out at the house with sorrow. I definitely got the short end of the stick with this one. 

She definitely has a new husband and kids. I know it. With this house, that has to be the case. There are two cars and a bike on the front lawn. I must be right. 

"Okay, Eric, we can go see my Dad's house now. I'm done with this." I sigh. 

"You're not going to go talk to your Mom?" Stephanie asks, and I roll my eyes again. 

"Stephanie, they've literally never done anything for me, except accidentally conceive me. Maybe I'll talk to her some other time," I say sarcastically, and Stephanie leans back in defeat. 

Twenty minutes later, and we are on the other side of town at my Dad's house. 

This is more like it. 

A run-down bungalow, that is much smaller than the one my Mother was in, and broken screens on the windows and doors that make me smile. 

Look at me now, bitch. 

I never needed these hoes. 

"Okay, Eric, take us to the airport please. I'm done here," I mumble the last part and Stephanie sighs, eyeing me with questions, "I just wanted to see what place in their life they were at. I assumed they'd both be in a house like my Dad was, but I guess not." I sigh, and Stephanie looks at me with sadness in her eyes, "If I tell you this, you cannot tell anyone at all. I will fire you on the spot if you do." I sigh, and she furrows her brows, nodding slowly. 

"Sure... what is it?" she asks hesitantly. I take a deep breath, and my heart skips a beat as I think about what I'm about to say. 

"I might be pregnant with Michael's baby." 

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