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"Abby?" He asks in shock. I sigh, giving his sexy ass the elevator look.

He's looked better, but I can't deny, he's still looking good.

"Bee, what are you doing here?" He calls me by my nickname, making my heart flutter, as he takes a step towards me.

"I came to see how the show was going," I smile shyly, looking away from him.

"You came all the way out here just to see how the show is going?" He smirks cockily, drawing me in to the way he used to.

"Maybe," I grin as he keeps walking closer to me. When he is an inch away from me, I place my hand on his hard chest.

It's not muscle like it used to be. I can feel his rib cage.

"Michael," I whisper as his tall frame makes me shudder.

"Yeah Bee," he breathes, leaning in closer to my lips.

No, not this shit again.

I step away from him, clearing my throat, making his brows furrow as he tries to step towards me again. 

"No Michael," I sigh, taking another step away from him before crossing my arms.

"What?" He smiles, reaching out to take my hand. I let him take it and he pulls me flush to his body.

"Michael," I gasp, placing both of my hands on his chest this time.

"I missed you Bee," he sighs, wrapping his arms around me in a tight embrace.

He's so much thinner than he used to be. Not only can I see it, but I can feel it. I could snap this man like a twig.

"Don't start with this shit," I mumble into his shoulder as I reach on my tiptoes.

"What shit," he curses, making me grow more attracted.

"You know what shit," I mock, stepping away from him, "If you missed me, you would've called." I point as he starts to laugh.

"That's what you said to me before our first real date." He winks as a smile plays on my lips.

"And I'm going to say what I said to you before," I murmur, meeting his loving gaze, "There must be a reason that you didn't call me. And don't say it's because you didn't want any distractions." I say seriously, pointing my acrylic index in his face. He sighs, looking down at his hands.

"Things shouldn't have ended the way they did," he mumbles, keeping his eyes down.

"No shit," I scoff, feeling myself getting angry at the thought of his massive mistakes.

"I'm sorry." He says seriously. I roll my eyes as a lump forms in my throat.

"Stop. I didn't come here to listen to shit apologies and start hurting all over again," I grit, trying to swallow the familiar feeling of hurt. 

"Bee, I'm sorry." He swallows, staring at me as I take a step back, "I really am."

"I just came to see how you were doing," I huff, folding my arms, "I don't want to hear the shit."

"It's not shit," he growls, placing his hands on his slim hips.

"Please," I murmur, rolling my eyes, "Sell that bullshit to the farmer."

"Shut up." He grits harshly as my eyes widen.

That's a first.

"You're telling me to shut up?" I ask slowly, placing my index to my chest.

"Yeah," he mumbles, giving me the elevator look, "Abby, I fucked up." He says seriously, making me laugh without amusement.

"Did you just figure that out?" I smirk sarcastically as he rolls his eyes.

"Can you drop the sarcasm?" He grits, taking a step towards me.

"Can you drop the act?" I retort as his brows furrow, "I don't know why you're trying to act like you care about me when clearly you left for a reason." I grit as he shakes his head.

"I do care about you," he growls, getting frustrated.

"Yeah fucking right!" I exclaim, drawing attention from some of his crew, "You couldn't give a shit about me even if you tried. You never did anyways." I continue, holding my hands out to the sides.

"I was fucking in love with you!" He exclaims as I feel eyes from different people keep their gaze on us.

"Bullshit! That's a whole fucking load of bullshit!" I fight back, my voice getting louder.

"It never was." He grits, trying to make his point but I'm not buying it.

"Did you love me when you were fucking around with other women?!" I yell as his face goes pale. I smile evilly, knowing I've got him there, "That's what I thought." I nod, folding my lips together.

"You know it wasn't like that," he says lowly as I hear whispers coming from around us.

"What was it like?" I ask, squinting my eyes, "Huh? What was it like, Michael?" I ask, placing my hands on my hips.

"You had already left me emotionally." He says, shifting his eyes.

"Please, don't give me that crap!" I guffaw, folding my arms, "You left me emotionally before I could even say my vows." I laugh, shaking my head.

"I never left you emotionally." His voice cracks as I shake my head, not buying the lies.

"Whatever," I shake my head, "You were fucking those other girls and you're probably still fucking any girl who falls at your feet," I nod at the female guitarist who's looking over at us. Michael looks back before shooting me a look.

"Abby, you don't really think that I would pursue her?" Michael asks in shock, "She's twenty five years younger than me." He argues.

"Wouldn't put it past you." I shrug, crossing my arms as he shakes his head, "I was younger than you when you 'pursued' me." I mumble, using air quotes.

"That's different." He grits, stepping towards me, "There's only a five year difference between the two of us. Hell, I could be that girls father with our age difference." He whispers aggressively as I roll my eyes.

"Like I said," I sigh, rubbing the bridge of my nose, "I wouldn't put it past you."

"You've never given me the benefit of the doubt," he mumbles under his breath.

"Not when you lied like you did," I shake my head, looking away, "Well, clearly you don't need me here any longer. I would say that it was nice to see you, but I don't cheat or lie." I say condescendingly.

"Bee," he sighs as I step backwards to walk away.

"Tell that bastard to go fuck himself," I nod towards Kenny as he walks towards us, "I told you he was no good. But what do you know about listening to me anyways?" I ask rhetorically, starting to walk away from Michael and the past that I left behind for several reasons, all the while I feel his gaze follow me as it always has. 

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