High School Reunion

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Stiles picked at his flaky black nail polish as he waited for Scott to finish up his shift at the vet clinic. Stiles had promised him a ride in his Jeep.

Scott came running out of the clinic, relieved to see Stiles sitting on the bench.

"New eyebrow piercing?" He asked while pointing at the ring in Stiles's face.

Stiles shrugged, "I wanted it and I had to wait like 2 hours for your shift to finish so I took a quick field trip."

"You're going to become a walking pincushion."

Stiles smirked, "That's the goal, McCall."

They both got in the Jeep and Stiles turned the key in the ignition. They drove to the apartment that they shared and as soon as Stiles opened the door, he collapsed on the couch and turned on Netflix.

Scott got the mail from the lobby and joined Stiles upstairs and rolling his eyes when he saw Stiles's position on the couch.

"You need a job."

Stiles groaned.

"We both graduated from college like 4 years ago and I'm trying to juggle graduate school and this job AND the rent. You have to help somehow or we're going to get evicted."

Stiles let out a huff of air. He stood up from the couch and went to his room. Slightly disappointed, Scott took Stiles's spot on the couch and began opening the mail. He was particularly interested in the letter from their high school.

Stiles returned and went out to their balcony where he lit a cigarette and began to smoke.

Scott opened the letter from Beacon Hills High School and his eyes widened when he realized what it was.

"Stiles! They're having a reunion!"

Stiles ignored him and took a large puff from his cigarette.

"Imagine seeing everyone from high school. I wonder what everyone is up to now."

Stiles put his cigarette in the little pot they kept on the balcony and returned inside smelling faintly of smoke.

"Does it matter? They were all assholes anyway."

Scott rolled his eyes once more, something he always seemed to be doing nowadays, "C'mon. You'll get to see Derek. You had a crush on him for three years. Ring any bells?"

Stiles scoffed, "As if Derek Hale would be caught dead at a high school reunion."

"Stiles just come with me please. It's next week and if you get there and decide to leave, I won't say anything."

Stiles ended up agreeing and a week later he found himself showing up to his old high school wearing a leather jacket on top of a grey sweatshirt with black skinny jeans while Scott found a nice suit to wear.

A man who Stiles recognized to be Jackson Whittemore got out of the car next to them.

"Well if it isn't Scott McCall. And who's this?" He asked, not recognizing Stiles underneath the bright red hair and piercings.

Stiles shoved passed Jackson towards the building, "Stiles Stilinski, dumbass. I gave you the best blowjob of your life, remember?" Stiles turned around and grinned at the shocked looks on both Jackson and Scott's faces.

"Lookin' good Stilinski!" Erica shouted from across the parking lot.

Stiles waved, "You too babe!" He shouted back.

Behind Erica trailed Derek, looking like a lost puppy.

Stiles crossed the parking luck, "Do my eyes deceive me or did Hale actually decide to show up to a social event?"

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now