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Here's the first chapter, I hope you guys enjoy it ❤️ Please don't forget to vote and comment x

~ Luciana's POV ~

I didn't know working was this hard. All my life I grew up waiting to get out of the education system and to make a life for myself. Now for the last year I've been wishing I could go back to rushing to do my math homework ten minutes before the class with that teacher.

"Lucy, Maria isn't at her desk so you'll need to take coffee into his office, four cups. Now." I scoffed at the way Melanie, my boss's stuck up assistant spoke to me.

Bitch I'm pretty sure that's your job, being the assistant and all.

She's the sort of person who would just pass her jobs onto other people, even though they were actually trying to get some work done before 5pm so they could leave on time. I was no exception to this but as usual I was taken away from my work to do stupid tasks for other people.

I slipped my 5 inch heels back on under my desk before going off to make the coffee. The worst thing about working at a posh company is that you always have to look your best. That means hair done, make up always intact, always in dresses and the worst part. Heels all day, everyday.

I carried the tray of four cups of coffee and knocked on the door before being called inside. The whole time I walked towards the desk with the tray, I could feel all eyes on me while my mind was just focused on not tripping and getting fired for spilling hot coffee on someone.


Images of late mornings and a stress free life filled my mind at the thought of not having to be here anymore.

I mentally slapped myself to keep my mind focussed on the task in front of me. I placed the first cup in front of my boss who was glaring at me, he's never liked me. I'm used to it.

There was a tense atmosphere in the room as I turned to where his guests were sitting, all three of them were dressed in those fancy suits you could tell were professionally tailored.

My eyes first landed on the blonde one who was glaring at me as well. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at him and placed the coffee cup in front of him.

Next I turned to the slightly more friendlier looking one who had brown hair and bright blue eyes. I placed the cup in front of him causing him to send me a slight nod, which I took as a thank you.

Finally I turned to the last one, who, from first glance, seemed to be the more important one of the three. He had this aura about him, like he should be feared, yet respected. His deep brown eyes followed my movements as I carefully placed the cup in front him. I held his stare for a moment, but his expression held no emotion while he stared back at me.

"You can leave now Luciana." I turned to my boss who nodded towards the door. I had been telling him since the day I first joined that I didn't go by Luciana, and to just call me Lucy, over a year ago. But of course he never listened and every time I corrected him he told me to remind him next time.

"It's Lucy, sir." He nodded and muttered an apology to me, while waving his hand towards the door basically telling me to get out.

I'm too over-qualified for this.

I turned around to leave but not before stealing another glance at the mysterious brown haired man who was still staring at me. But this time there was something else in his eyes, which I couldn't quite put my finger on.

Half an hour later the three of them left his office, muttering between themselves as they made their way down the hall towards the elevator. My eyes followed them as they passed my office, each of them turning to glance at me through my open door, but his stare lasted just a little longer than the rest.

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