Chapter 9 - I Don't Like You

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~ Luciana's POV ~

The doors swung open revealing a small game type of room. I didn't really know what to call it. On one side of the room there were black leather couches and on the other side there was a pool table and a few other arcade type machines. At the far end of the room there was a bar with a few stools in front.

My eyes roamed the room until they landed on the figures dotted around on the couches. I took in the two gorgeous blondes sitting next to Tomasso before my eyes then shifted to the other couch where Rafael was sitting with Daliah. She was dressed in a tight black dress and high heels, her hair up in a ponytail while her face was caked in make up.

Although all three of the girls were dressed similarly, with the same amount of make up, I couldn't deny that they were beautiful. I was nothing compared to them, and that was enough to knock my confidence as soon as they turned to look at Alessio and I.

The sound of the door opening caught their attention and everyone in the room, apart from Daliah and Rafael who were busy talking, looked over in our direction as we stepped inside, although I knew it was me who they were really staring at.

I was focusing more on the two girls who took me in carefully as if they were sizing me up, before coming to the conclusion that I was no threat to them. Which I definitely wasn't.

"Chi è questa cagna?" (Who's this bitch.) I didn't understand what she was saying but by the way she said it, I knew it wasn't something nice. Her words seemed to catch the attention of both Daliah and Rafael who were now staring at us too.

"Zitto, Irena." (Shut up Irena.)

The girl's eyes narrowed at Alessio before she turned her annoyance to me, frowning at me with disgust.

"Deve essere un'altra delle tue puttane." (Must be another one of your whores.) Her words caused a few of the others to laugh while once again sending me looks of disgust. I stepped backwards suddenly realising this wasn't the best idea, but when I did, I felt Alessio's hand on my waist. His hand brushed over my bare skin under my cropped sweatshirt as he pulled me in a little closer to him.

The movement was almost in a protective manner, but I was probably just reading into it too much.

"Ti ho detto di stare zitto, di parlare ancora e non avresti niente da ridere." (I told you to shut up, speak again and you won't have anything to laugh about.) Alessio's words came out strong and confident, the complete opposite of how I was feeling and the girl instantly looked away from him, instead focusing on the drink in her hand.

The room fell silent finally giving me the chance to do what I came for. I felt Alessio's hand squeeze my waist lightly in encouragement and I finally took a deep breath before speaking.

"Daliah do you have my purse from last night?" I know you're probably wondering why I decided to start with that, but I have perfectly good explanation. If Daliah did hold onto my purse last night, any chance I had of getting that back would go out the beautifully stained glass window as soon as I confronted her about setting me up.

"Y-yeah, I was going to come by your place later to drop it off." She seemed to finally get over the shock of seeing me in front of her in a place she clearly thought I would never find her. Daliah stood to her feet and made her way over to her purse where she pulled out my clutch from last night bringing it over to me. All eyes were on us when she finally gave me my purse. She stood in front of me clearly unsure of what to say, so I decided to do the one thing I've felt like doing since I found out what she did to me.

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