Chapter 25 - What's Wrong?

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Hey guys! This chapter is where it all starts to get exciting, I hope you enjoy xx ❤️

~ Luciana's POV ~

It had been a week since my baby shower and a week since I spoke a word to anyone.

Apart from going to the kitchen when I was absolutely sure Alessio wasn't around, I stayed hauled up in my room for every moment since we set foot in the house coming back from my baby shower. Most soon to be mothers at 35 weeks would be excitedly planning for the baby's arrival with their partner and making sure little things were finished. They wouldn't be lying in their bed constantly crying their eyes out. It wasn't good for my mental health which was getting worse and worse as the months of my pregnancy went by. Now I finally hit 8 months pregnant and it was at the worst it's ever been - and it's been pretty bad during my teens. I didn't want to see or speak to anyone, I just needed time to myself to think.

It's not everyday you get told the Russian mafia want your baby.

Alessio didn't even try to explain to me properly what was going on. Once Tomasso dropped the bomb on me, all he said was that he'd increased the security on the house and that I wasn't to go anywhere without at least three guards or speak to anyone he doesn't know. After that we went outside again to keep up appearances before I 'got tired' and Alessio said he was taking me home to rest. The whole situation wasn't helped when we ran straight into my ex-bestfriend Daliah and her boyfriend Rafael. They couldn't take their eyes off my bump but they didn't get a chance to say a word because Alessio was quick to rush me out of there and get me home.

It's not like it mattered, apart from the guests at my baby shower I didn't want to speak to anyone, I've been enjoying the peace and quiet. Of course that wasn't going to last for ever, especially with me. I just wasn't that lucky to go about my life quietly in peace with just me and my baby. My innocent baby that doesn't deserve a single shred of what was going on.

My baby deserved to live a life in a loving household with two parents that loved each other, who weren't associated with the mafia in any way. Maybe they'd have normal jobs and friends and family who they'd see on the weekends or they might sometimes go to the park or out for ice cream. Just to do normal things, together as a family.

This wasn't a family. This was a screwed up situation, there was no other way to describe it. All I know is that it was something I could have avoided by not drinking so much that first night and letting Alessio leave before we slept together. It was something I should have avoided.

Over the last week my mind just reeled with the many different scenarios and options I had, but those options always just came down to two.

I could keep the baby or I could put the baby up for adoption.

If I kept the baby we'd always be looking over our shoulders, I'd never have another peaceful nights sleep again and my baby would grow up in the mafia and one day would take it over. If it happened to live long enough to do that. Not to mention growing up with Alessio and I as parents - we can't stand each other. There'd be no normal jobs, no weekend trips to the park or to get ice cream and probably no siblings either. There would be no family. But at least I would get to keep it, and see it everyday. I'd get to show it as much love as I could in a world like this.

If I gave the baby up for adoption, it would be safe. No one would know it's true identity and it could live a happy life with a couple who we would choose. Maybe it would have some siblings and a normal peaceful life like I'd always dreamed of for myself and for any children I ever had. But then it would never get to know it's real parents, it would never know about the people who love it unconditionally and would die for it. It would grow up to hate us. Giving up the baby for adoption would also break my heart. I knew it was something I would never be able to get over, it would change me forever. But the baby would be safe.

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by Dreams 💭✨
Luciana Donato once vowed to stay away from anything dangerous, anyth...
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