Chapter 19 - We Will Never Ever Be Together

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~ Luciana's POV ~

I stood opposite him, keeping my coat wrapped tightly around me, hiding the bump from him, for now.

Alessio's eyes took me in with the same glare, not the playful one he used to give me; or even the one when we argued, this one was worse. In that moment it really felt like he never had any feelings for me, that he really was just a stranger to me. I let my eyes roam over his features which were significantly more tired than before. There were bags under his tired empty eyes, his eyebrows seemed to be permanently furrowed and the frown lines on his forehead were more prominent now than before. His hair was disheveled while he stood a fair distance away from me with his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants, waiting for me to finally speak.

"How have you been?" I didn't really know what else I was supposed to say to him, I didn't really just want to go straight in with 'So I haven't seen you in 5 months but I'm pregnant'.

"I'm fine Luciana. Get to the point, I've got things to do." My name sounded so foreign coming out of his mouth, nothing like it did when he used to talk to me in the sweet tone he used to use. This was how he spoke to his men, harsh, cold and curt.

It hurt to see someone who I was so sure had some sort of feelings towards me to act like I never meant a thing to him. I had no shame in admitting how much I cared for him and the effect he had on me.

"I need to tell you something Alessio." My mouth became increasingly dry as I tightened my arms around myself, my nerves suddenly sky rocketing under his harsh glare. "Just hurry up."

It took me a moment to finally be able to get the words out of my mouth, the moment I'd been dreading since my eyes first landed on the positive sign all those months ago. "I'm pregnant."

The room just fell completely silent, his glare becoming less harsh instead slowly morphing into a confused expression as he tried to understand what I just said to him. His eyes soon snapped from my face down to my stomach which I'd been covering with my coat, so I took the cue to let go, revealing my bump under my dress. His eyes focused on my five month baby bump for a moment, numerous emotions flashing through his eyes before anger became the dominant one. Which is exactly what I expected.

"Pregnant?" I slowly nodded in confirmation, before his eyes met mine again, this time with so much fury and hatred that whatever confidence I had was in complete shreds after I received that glare. "Are you that desperate Luciana? Do you really expect me to believe that's my baby after so many months?"

"It is your baby Alessio." I tried to keep my voice strong and firm as I spoke, although inside I was a wreck myself. "I don't believe you."

"I found out after you ended things-" Alessio quickly cut me off, a bitter smile tugging at his lips. "So you waited five months to tell me? What? Did you think I'd suddenly fall in love with you if you turned up here pregnant? I never loved and I will never love you Luciana. You don't need to use someone else's child to try and get me back."

A small scoff escaped my lips and I shook my head, slowly giving way to the anger that was growing inside me. "I haven't been with anyone else since you Alessio. The last person before you was Jake, a year and a half ago. Trust me Alessio, I don't want you back, I'm just telling you because you have a right to know."

Of course he didn't believe me.

"It's not mine... you're just a money grabbing puttana. I don't believe a freaking word you say, so just get out of my house." The tears that sprung to my eyes only seemed to infuriate him even more, and when I didn't move he suddenly he was taking a few steps threatening towards me. "Get the hell out Luciana!"

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