Chapter 35 - You Can't Handle Alcohol

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~ Luciana's POV ~

"Are you sure?" I nodded my head as he turned around fully to face me again. Releasing my grip on his wrist instead I slipped my hand into his, giving it a soft squeeze.

"I'm sure."

He seemed apprehensive for a moment before he eventually nodded. I watched as he went around the other side of the bed before taking off the suit jacket he was wearing. I shamelessly watched as he took off his tie and unbuttoned shirt before taking off his suit pants.

A small smirk tugged at my lips when his eyes locked with mine and he gave me a smirk of his own. "Enjoying the show?"

"Eh, I've seen better." He chuckled at my words while pulling back the covers and getting into the bed next to me. "You're only saying that because of the morphine. You never could handle anything in your system."

"Oh come on, it was one time Alessio."

"You were very difficult to control that one time Luciana." I rolled my eyes when he gave me a grin, flashing his pearly white teeth at me.


The room fell silent after that, the two of us lost in our own thoughts. I don't know what he was thinking about, but I was thinking back to that night in question when life was so much simpler, even if I was still going through issues back then too.


"Is this the special place Alessio?" Alessio shook his head at me while letting out an amused chuckle.

"Yes amore mio. We're here. Come on." He held his hand out for me to take which I did instantly following him upstairs to the doorway of his bedroom.

"Alessio!" My sudden scream caused him to stop dead in his tracks, his hand instantly going to the gun tucked in the back of his pants. "What? What's wrong?"

The shock on my face increased and I turned towards him before pointing an accusing finger at him. At least I think the finger was pointing at him, maybe somewhere in his general direction at least.

"You're trying to sleep with me again!" He let out a small groan and shook my head at my words. "No Luciana I'm not trying to sleep with you again. I just need you to sleep off the alcohol."

"What alcohol? I don't see any, you promised me some." I gave me another accusing glare as he took my hand again and pretty much dragged me into the bathroom. "I'll get you some soon, first open your mouth for me." I watched as he took out a new toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it, but I was too busy thinking about his words which caused me cover my mouth to stifle the laugh threatening to escape. "I'm not letting you put anything inside my mouth Alessio."

It seemed to take him a minute to understand my meaning before he chuckled at my words. "It's a toothbrush, that's all."

"I don't know Alessio, from what I can remember it was bigger than a toothbrush." He shook my head in amusement at my words while placing the toothbrush in my hand. "Brush your teeth."

I stared at the toothbrush for a moment before I eventually began to brush my teeth while looking around the bathroom curiously. It really was a nice bathroom. While I was busy doing this I was vaguely aware of Alessio leaving the room for a moment before coming back with one of his T-shirt's clutched in his hand.

"Put this on when you're done." Deciding to try and cooperate with him I nodded my head in response to his words and spat out the toothpaste, all over the floor.

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