Chapter 39 - Obstruction of Justice

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~ Luciana's POV ~

"Get the hell off me."

I resisted the urge to groan when Alessio and Tomasso started arguing once again. The fact the sun was coming up and only Alana had managed to sleep wasn't making my mood any better.

At least she wasn't awake all night with us or I would have just walked out at this point. I did not need an irritable baby along with Alessio and Tomasso who were just plain irritating even on a good day.

"I'm not even touching you this time Alessio."

"Yes you freaking are, what was the point of putting the pillows between us if you're just going to cross them?"

Tomasso didn't reply to Alessio's question and instead moments later I heard a loud thud on the otherside of the bed followed by a pained groan.

That's 6 times.

"Luciana you're marrying a violent person."

"If you don't shut up you'll be saying that to him instead in a minute." Tomasso started shuffling on the floor as he got back to his feet before he got back on the bed next to Alessio.

"You two are made for each other."

Alessio let out a sigh and sat up, leaning against the headboard with his eyes shut. None of us had any sleep last night since we were all lost in our own thoughts and then also Alessio wouldn't stop arguing with Tomasso all night.

This was only our first night staying here.

After another half an hour of lying there in silence I finally decided to get up and go and make some coffee when Alessio and Tomasso started arguing again. By the time I came back to the room with three mugs off coffee, Alana was awake and standing next to the bed, using it to hold herself up so that she didn't fall over.

"Hey baby." She smiled at me when she saw me and quickly let go of the bed, trying to run towards me but as soon as she took three steps she fell down. I had to hold back my laughter when she made a weird noise and sat up, frowning at me.

She still hadn't learned that she can't walk without the support of someone holding her or some sort of furniture.

I may have held back my laughter but both Alessio and Tomasso didn't even bother, the two of them bursting out into laughter when Alana let out a whine from her place on the floor. A few chuckles escaped my lips as I quickly put the coffee mugs down and made my way over to her, lifting her up into my arms.

"Are you okay princess?" Alana just babbled something, wrapping some of my hair around her tiny fist before resting her head against my chest.

"Okay baby." She continued mumbling incoherent things as I sat back down on the bed next to Tomasso who was busy drinking his coffee. It was just the two of us in the room since Alessio had quietly slipped away to go and take a shower.

"So Luciana, did you sleep well?" I rolled my eyes at Tomasso's lame attempt at making conversation after a few minutes of sitting in silence together.

"You don't know how badly I want to hit you right now." I looked up from my coffee glancing over at him just in time to catch the smirk he was sending my way. He was in a surprisingly good mood considering the lack of sleep we'd all had last night and the fact he had to lie to Thea.

"I'm sure I have a good idea." I rolled my eyes just as Alessio came back into the room with only a towel wrapped dangerously low around his hips.

Dear lord give me strength.

"You're filthy rich and yet you don't own any clothes?" Alessio rolled his eyes at Tomasso's comment as he picked up the mug of coffee I had made for him, downing most of it in one go.

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