Chapter 31 - Trust Me Or Don't

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~ Luciana's POV ~

Alessio stood staring at the wall behind me reeling from the initial shock of hearing that one of his best friends was dead. I knew they were close, no matter what had happened between me and Rafael ages ago, he was still working with Alessio in the mafia because of their bond, they just weren't on the best terms.

But one thing I know for sure is if Alessio had any feeling that there was even the slightest possibility that Rafael wasn't loyal to him he would have done something about it back then. But Rafael was always going to be loyal to Alessio, they had a brotherly bond like that. They may have argued but they still loved each other, they were just too stubborn to admit it.

But now it was too late.

"Alessio..." I had no clue what I was supposed to say to him in this situation, the guilt I was feeling was enough to make me feel sick to my stomach. It was my fault they weren't as close as they used to be before Alessio met me.

Before I could say anything else the sound of Alana's small cries came through on the baby monitor. For a moment I was torn between the two but when her cries got louder I knew I had to go to her so I quickly turned around leaving our bedroom going into her nursery. I held my baby in my arms walking around the nursery with her while I tried to calm her down. She wasn't due another feed for about an hour and her diaper didn't need changing, so she was probably just fussing.

"It's okay my baby, go back to sleep." I bounced her in my arms gently in an attempt to soothe her as I walked back into Alessio and I's room to check on him. By the time I got back Alana's cries were slowing down and Alessio was now sitting on the bed with an emotionless expression on his face as he spoke to someone on the phone for a few minutes.

"Luciana." I turned to look at him in confusion when he paused his conversation to speak to me in a cold tone. "Pack an overnight bag for you and Alana. Do it now."

Without waiting for me to respond he went back to his conversation leaving me confused and more importantly, leaving me worried. If we had to leave so suddenly it only meant we were in danger where we were, because apart from the mafia house, this was the safest place to be. So if this wasn't safe right now, there was definitely a reason to be panicking.

It only took me a few minutes to gather some stuff for Alana and myself while Alessio finished off his conversation and by the time he was done I was sitting on the bed next to him waiting for him to explain the whole situation to me.

"What's going on?" I tried to keep my tone soft only to not aggravate him any more, especially after the argument we had earlier. Maybe after hearing about Rafael he's not as angry about it anymore?

"We need to go to the mafia house for the night. That's all you need to know."

So he was still angry.

I probably should have seen that coming, he's definitely capable of multitasking - he can easily be angry with me and sad about Rafael. This is Alessio we're talking about.

I watched him stand up still busy on his phone, now typing away, while I thought about the fact that we had to stay at the mafia house tonight, completely unprepared. They wouldn't have a crib for Alana for a start and she'd probably end up waking up the whole house every hour during the night when she woke up to feed or get her diaper changed.

Not to mention the fact almost everyone in Alessio's mafia hates me because of who my family are and if Alessio can't even trust that I'm not working with the Russians then neither will any of them.


"Wait for me downstairs I'll be a few minutes. Take Alana I'll bring your bags downstairs and the Moses basket." With that he left me to go and pack his own things and with a sigh I did as he said knowing now just wasn't the time to argue with him. Not even five minutes later he came downstairs with our things and took them out to the car while I was busy trying to calm Alana who still hadn't managed to go back to sleep with all these disturbances.

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