Chapter 34 - I'm Here

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~ Luciana's POV ~

Three weeks had passed since that day - which included two weeks of pure hell.

It did turn out that Alana had the chicken pox, which meant she was the fussiest and most irritable she's ever been. That also meant the most tantrums ever. Thankfully I had Daliah to help me take care of her, once I'd convinced her she wasn't going to catch the same illness from Alana.

Alessio stuck to the promise he made to his daughter and came to visit her every single day for two weeks while she wasn't feeling well. I knew some of his family, particularly his mom and Silvana, wanted to come and visit Alana but according to Daliah, Alessio decided it was better if they didn't. She said he didn't decide to stop them because of me and that it was because too many people around Alana wasn't the best thing, but I didn't believe her for one second.

Of course I went back to avoiding him at all costs and after what I said to him I'm sure he didn't mind in the slightest. So for the next three weeks I didn't see him, and everything seemed to be getting back to normal. But of course, this was my life, I didn't get to enjoy such a luxury.

"Daliah honestly everything is fine here, I can cope for a couple of weeks without you. Enjoy your vacation, you've earned it. Maybe for once at least one of us can relax." I heard Daliah let out a small chuckle on the other side of the line before she eventually said her goodbyes, ending the same conversation we'd been having for the last three days since she left. I'm pretty sure she'd call me at the same time again tomorrow just to tell me she felt guilty for leaving me all over again.

A few nights ago Daliah decided to go on a spontaneous trip with some of her friends from work, a tour around Europe, since they'd all been working so hard at work and took some time off to relax. I could tell she instantly felt bad once she'd booked her vacation and told me about it, but I kept reassuring her that I was okay. It was only a few weeks, and for me it would actually be nice to spend some time with Alana alone since she'd be turning one in less than a month.

It would also be the one year anniversary of the worst day of my life, something I needed time to prepare myself for. That would have been done best alone.

The fact Alana's birthday was going to be such a hard day for me personally was something that only made my feel sad. I wanted to enjoy her first birthday and every other one after that, but all I would be able to associate it with would be the day Alessio and I argued so much I went into labour and then went into a coma for a month following two surgeries.

It would take a while to get over that.

The only down side to Daliah being away was that I would have to speak to Alessio again, but I knew at some point it would have to be done, I guess I got the hardest part over with a few weeks ago when I saw him again for the first time since that night I basically kicked him out of our house, so I guess that's a plus.

The first three days of being alone with Alana went by pretty quickly with very few problems, we just spent most of our time together playing, either at home or I took her to the park close to our house.

Once I'd finally got Daliah off the phone I focussed my attention back on Alana who was staring at me with her toy phone pressed against her ear like I'd just been doing, causing a small laugh to escape my lips. As soon as she saw me smile she reciprocated it with her own toothy grin. I reached over tickling her tummy a little before I checked the time on my phone to see it was almost 3pm.

"I think it's time for your nap, what do you say?" As soon as she heard the word 'nap' she instantly shook her head, shuffling away from me with a small frown on her face causing me to smile. "If you don't nap now you'll fall asleep too early later and then you'll be awake all night Alana."

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