Chapter 32 - I'm Done

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For everyone who's forgotten who Rafael is, he was one of Alessio's closest friends at the start of the story. He was in a relationship with Daliah (Luciana's bestfriend) and when Daliah betrayed Luciana he took her side so Alessio and Rafael weren't as close anymore because of that.

~ Luciana's POV ~

It took a few moments for everyone to comprehend what had just happened while tensions ran extremely high in Alessio's office. You could hear a pin drop it was that quiet.

"Get out." Alessio finally managed to force the words out through gritted teeth breaking the silence around us. He was now standing up again with his hands gripping the edge of the desk tightly, probably to control himself from lashing out since Alana was only a foot away from him sleeping in her Moses basket.

As soon as he said the two words everyone quickly began scrambling to the door, except Tomasso who came over to me and picked up the Moses basket. I gave him a grateful look, unable to muster up a smile after all the hurtful truths I just heard from my brother. Just as I was about to turn around Alessio spoke again stopping me in my tracks.

"Not you Luciana." I looked towards him hesitantly before turning back to Tomasso who gave me a reassuring nod like he knew straight away I didn't want to part with Alana at all in this building. "I'll take her upstairs. She's safe with me."

With that he left the office leaving me and Alessio once again enveloped in silence. Except the only difference from earlier was that now I was starting to feel my own anger rising the more I thought about everything that had happened - not just today but over the last few months, all the way back to when Alessio and I argued in his office at home when I went into labour and he didn't believe me. Now that Alana wasn't in the room anymore there was nothing stopping me from expressing to him how I really felt. It was like Alessio's behaviour tonight was enough to trigger the anger that had been buried so deep since then while I was trying to recover from my coma. Alessio told me he loved me in the hospital which only pushed the anger down further - I was less likely to find a reason to be angry at him when we were getting on. But now that he's gone back to how he used to be, there was nothing keeping that anger at bay anymore.

For once I wasn't scared of him. I wasn't wary of him.

He was the one who should be wary of me.

"You've made a habit of not trusting me Alessio." The coldness of my tone caused his head to snap up, his eyes moving from the spot on the desk he was previously staring at, and now focusing on me. I didn't give him a chance to speak, the next words just flowing out of my mouth.

"I have forgiven you over and over again. From the first day when you kidnapped me instead of just asking me like a normal person what I knew about my father, after that you didn't trust me with the cops to keep my mouth shut. That was just the start of our so called 'relationship'."

Alessio's eyes followed me as I slowly started pacing around his room, my mind going back over the key events in our relationship stretching all the way back to a year and a half ago when he first kidnapped me from that club.

"Lets not forget about how you broke my heart just because you couldn't tell me about the Russians threatening me. You put me through months of pain for nothing, all you had to do was tell me. Then you didn't trust that Alana was yours when I told you I was pregnant and to top it all off you didn't believe me when I told you something was wrong." I stopped in my tracks right in front of his desk, my eyes locking with his, as a harsh glare settling on my face.

"And then I ended up in a coma."

The look on his face told me straight away I'd struck a nerve with him. Looking back at it he was probably hurt more than anything that I'd just basically told him it was his fault I went into a coma, but this was Alessio. He masked that hurt with anger. Like he always did.

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