Chapter 22 - We're Just Friends

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Warning - This chapter contains descriptive scenes of domestic violence.

~Luciana's POV ~

I nervously approached my boss's office, my hands gripping the envelope tightly between my fingers. I waited for him to call me in before making my way inside, stopping infront of his desk.

My boss at the job Alessio got me may not be as horrible as the one at my last job who was okay with his clients feeling my up in front of him, but this one was still scary.

"Hi sir." I gave him a small smile which he politely returned although his eyes were focussed on the envelope in my hands. "I'm guessing that's your resignation, yes?"

I nodded with a small smile on my face, taking it over to his desk. "Oh Luciana. You're the best in this department with numbers. You couldn't have waited a few years?"

I let out a small laugh while shaking my head, my hand going to my bump as we spoke. "I'm sorry sir."

"It's okay, I'm happy for you. I guess I'll just have to remember the times when you made my job that much easier." He picked up the envelope, taking out my resignation, his eyes skimming over the words. "Today?"

"Yeah...the last few days have been pretty hard. I really think it's best if I leave today since it's a Friday and all that, it just makes more sense." He let out a sigh and nodded. "I don't usually make acceptions if there's not enough notice. But I'll do it for you, as a thank you for all your hard work. Don't think I didn't notice the long nights both you and Gemma have been putting in. It's always appreciated."

"Thank you." He nodded while giving me the same smile he did as I came in. "Well you'll be missed Luciana. Look after yourself, and don't forget there's always a job for you here if you want it."

"Thank you sir, it was a pleasure working for you." After a quick handshake I left his office, heading back to my own next door to pack away my things. "You're not coming back until the baby is at least thirty years old Luciana." I rolled my eyes at Alessio who was sitting in my chair where he's been waiting for me for the last twenty minutes. All he's been doing is complaining that he needs to get back to finish his work since he's going away to Spain for his trip tomorrow with Tomasso and Mason.

"You need to stop listening to people's conversations."

"I own this company, I can listen to what I want."

"Well it was a private conversation, in a private room."

"I own the damn building, now what?" I couldn't help the small traitorous smile which tugged at my lips when he said this. "Just grab these boxes for me, will you? I'm ready to go."

He let out a sigh while nodding, getting up and coming over to me while I looked around my empty office nostalgically. Now that it was completely empty again, it looked exactly the same as when Alessio and I first came in here when he gave me the job, back when we were on better terms than we are now.

"Thank you."

"For what?" I turned towards him, placing one hand on his shoulder, my bump the only thing separating the two of us. "For the job, I loved working here."

A small smirk tugged at his lips as he stepped closer to me, causing me to step back against my desk while he decreased the space between us even further. "Are you being nice to me Luciana?"

"No." Alessio rolled his eyes at my response before leaning down, placing his lips on my forehead. "You're welcome."

The last two weeks have been completely crazy, well, crazy for me. Apart from a few civilised conversations nothing has happened between Alessio and I. Two weeks ago today was the day I finally told Alessio what was on my mind and since then we've been trying to get on as much as we could just to 'avoid anymore tears'. Those were Alessio's words not mine.

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