Chapter 29 - We Are Home

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This chapters not the best but I tried to make up for it with pictures 🙈


~ Luciana' POV ~

"Are you ready?" I shook my head causing Alessio to let out a small chuckle just as the door opened and the nurse pushed a small crib through the door.

"You'll be okay." She gave us a quick smile before she left thanks to Alessio who told the nurses exactly how he wanted this to happen. He wanted to be the one to introduce me to our daughter, and he didn't want anyone else to be in the room. At all.

I was excited of course but I was also extremely nervous. I had no idea what to expect. She wouldn't even know who I was, she'd been here in this world for a month and I'd still never met her. I knew the bond she had with Alessio was strong because of all the time they'd spend together so she probably wouldn't develop anything like that with me for a while. A long while.

I watched as Alessio went over to the crib and gently picked up the baby inside, before coming over to me. The whole time I couldn't take my eyes off her, she was so small. Even though she was a month old, she was still tiny. He pressed a kiss on her forehead before placing her in my arms, supporting her weight underneath just in case, not that she was even heavy.

My eyes instantly filled with tears when I saw her face for the first time.

She was absolutely perfect.

Her eyes were closed as I admired everything about her - her tiny nose, her chubby cheeks, her small plump lips. From what I could see she was already the spitting image of Alessio, but then she opened her eyes. Finally the tears began to fall when I locked eyes with hers which were identical to my own while she continued to stare back at me innocently.

"Hi baby." I gave her a soft smile while stroking the soft skin of her cheek causing her to lean into my touch.

"She's so beautiful Alessio." I couldn't take my eyes off her as she just continued to stare back at me, blinking every few seconds. She didn't seem like she knew what was going on, but she wasn't crying or uncomfortable, she was just content. "She is. Just like you."

We sat in silence while I just held her in my arms until she eventually fell asleep. I can't even describe how it felt, it just felt right. Like everything was finally complete the second she was in my arms and Alessio was next to me.

"We need to give her a name." I nodded in response to Alessio and smiled down at her as I placed a kiss on her forehead, knowing exactly what I wanted to call her. I looked through many many lists of baby names but I never did decide on what I would call my girl or boy, but I always had a few favourites. This one just seemed perfect for her.

"Alana." I turned to look at Alessio to see what his reaction was, but he was just staring at her deep in thought before he slowly nodded and tested out her name. "Alana Del Russo. I like it."

"Why does she get your surname?" I playfully rose an eyebrow at him causing him to smirk at me. The same smirk that I'd completely fallen for all those months ago. "Because I don't like Donato."

"You don't like my name?" He shook his head and leaned closer to me so that he could whisper in my ear, the whole time still staring down at our sleeping daughter in my arms.

"Del Russo would suit you better too."

I knew exactly what he was trying to suggest and the second he said it, once again I felt my cheeks heat up. Alessio chuckled at my reaction before placing a kiss on my cheek.

I knew I loved him, and he was the father of my child, but it really was a bit quick to be hinting at marriage.

Not that I was complaining or anything.

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