Chapter 16 - You Need To Tell Him

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Juicy chapter ahead!

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~ Luciana's POV ~

It had only been two weeks since that night and honestly it felt like I was having the worst two weeks of my life.

I was so stressed at work I swear my hair was starting to fall out. I'd been working late every single day and it was finally Friday, but I was completely exhausted. On top of that I was beginning to come down with a, probably stress related, illness. Along with the exhaustion I was constantly feeling, I was now getting headaches all the time.

Of course thats without the obvious hurt, anger, sadness and regret I felt whenever I thought about Alessio. Which was a lot. At first I didn't really know how to make sense of what happened, it's not like it was a breakup because we weren't together. But we did spend a lot of time together and of course I was developing feelings for him, so it hurt. A lot.

It felt like somehow he'd broken my heart when it wasn't even his to break in the first place.

He didn't make it easy on me that night either. I still slept in the same bed as him all night, and all I wanted to do was hug him and just hope he didn't mean what he said or that it was some dream instead. But when I woke up in the morning he didn't say a word to me. We didn't do or say anything that morning, I got dressed grabbing all my things and he drove me home in dead silence. He didn't say a word to me when I got out the car and he couldn't wait to speed away from me the second I shut the door of his Lamborghini. That was the last time I saw him.

"Luciana?" I tried to respond to Gemma as normally as I could but she saw straight through my false smile when I realised I'd spaced out of our conversation. Honestly I loved her but she was annoying at times. Like let me pretend I'm fine, just accept it. She always knew the truth and felt the need to give me her advice and opinions. The whole time I was trying to get over what happened with Alessio she was just always there. It was starting to bug me more and more. But I still loved her and she was used to me being a moody bitch at work.

"You need to go home Luciana. You don't look good at all." I shook my head at her and took another sip of the water I had been sipping on all morning. "Honestly I'm good, don't worry."

"Luciana." I stood up, in an attempt to show her that I was fine, fully mobile and able to handle myself, but I regretted it as soon as a sharp pain struck through my head. I tried my best to cover it up while I walked over to her, but obviously she knew.

The bitch knew everything.

"Stop trying to hide it from me. Why can't you just accept it? You've been working too hard all week, go home and rest. You look like you need it."

"I'm fine Gemma! Honestly I'm-" My words instantly cut off when I felt bile rising up my throat, my eyes widening as I covered my mouth. Gemma quickly grabbed the nearest trash can, kicking the door shut with her foot when I began to violently throw up. She rubbed my back while holding the trash can infront of me until I was finally done. By the end my throat was burning and I was just dry heaving since there was nothing left in my stomach.

"Luciana..." I shook my head at her to stop whatever sympathetic line she was about to give me when tears pricked my eyes. She put the trash can down and grabbed my glass of water off my desk, I took it from her with shaky hands taking a few sips.
"How many times have you thrown up?"

"This is the fifth day, so maybe seven or eight times." She stood in silence for a moment, watching me sip the water. I could tell she was going to try and make me go home again, so I gave in before she could.

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