Chapter 41 - I Don't Break My Promises

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~ Luciana's POV ~

"He's at the house?" As soon as I heard those words I passed Alana to Daliah who just held my confused daughter in her arms who was probably wondering why she was being passed around so much.

"Yes I just said that, didn't I? Hurry up Alessio." Tomasso gave me a frustrated look before tugging on Alessio's arm before he made his way over to the door of Daliah's hotel room.

"I'm coming with you." Both of them ignored my words at first but when I managed to grab Alessio's hand when he stepped towards the door, they finally acknowledged me. Of course you all know what he said.

"Absolutely not. It's not even up for discussion Luciana." I narrowed my eyes at Alessio, my grip on his hand tightening even more when he said this.

"It's not up to you. My family are there and you're about to go and kill my father and you're trying to tell me I can't go? You've got me all wrong if you think I'm taking orders from you right now."

Honestly I was surprised myself when those words came flying out of my mouth, so imagine what everyone else's faces looked like.
Before Alessio could say anything else I let go of his hand and made my way over to Tomasso, sending an apologetic glance towards Daliah. "Daliah please look after her, I'll be back as soon as I can."

She nodded her head watching as the three of us left the hotel room, Tomasso way ahead of Alessio and I, clearly eager as hell to get back to the house.

"Alessio don't be angry-" My words were cut off when he grabbed my hand, pulling me to a sudden stop in the hallway.

"I'm not angry, I just don't want you to get hurt." I gave him a small smile before I leaned up to press a kiss to his lips. "I'll be fine, I've got you, don't I?"

"Of course and I'd never let anything happen to you, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to take the risk." Just as I was about to speak we both turned to look down the hallway when Tomasso called out for us again, the anger in his tone only increasing the longer he had to wait for us.

"We can't worry about that now. I'll be okay Alessio, let's just go."
He let out a sigh kissing my forehead before he grabbed my hand and led me down the hallway.

The car ride was absolutely silent apart from the calls Alessio and Tomasso were making, but I didn't bother to listen to what they were saying. My mind was already in overdrive thinking about what was about to happen.

I was finally going to see my father after all these years and Alessio was going to kill him.

When we finally pulled up Tomasso was the first out of the car but he still waited for Alessio and I before he went inside. Probably just so we could all make a dramatic entrance - it wouldn't be as exciting if we all came in separately.

"Don't say anything stupid Luciana. Please just stay calm, I know it won't be easy but I don't want you to get hurt. You don't know him like I do." I nodded my head at Alessio, holding tightly onto his hand as the three of us made our way inside. "I may not remember much of him but I know what he's capable of."

Finally we made it to the living room and as soon as we neared the door we could hear the sounds of shouting coming from inside. I instantly recognised Alessio's father, Ricardo's voice but the other one wasn't familiar and yet it still brought shivers down my spine.

Tomasso opened the door and suddenly the room fell silent as we stepped inside, while I was still holding tightly onto Alessio's hand. My eyes scanned around the room and first I saw Alessio's parents who were already here.

There were a few men I didn't recognise in the room, I'm assuming from where they were positioned and the fact I didn't know who they were that they were Giuseppe's men. Of course he was never going to come here without his men. I wouldn't even be surprised if he had even more somewhere else, that's just something he would do.

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