Chapter 21 - You'll Always Be Important To Me

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2 Weeks later

~ Luciana's POV ~

Being seven months pregnant is no walk in the park I'm telling you.

"You okay?" I nodded tiredly rubbing my bump as I followed Alessio through the continuous hallways towards his office, passing numerous men, who every time they saw me cast their gaze down straight away. No doubt that was something Alessio requested of them.

"How much further? Why did you choose to have your damn office so far away?" Alessio turned to look at me with an amused smile just as we arrived at his door. "I did say you could wait in the car, you didn't have to come inside."

"I'm not staying cooped up in that stupid car either." Ignoring the fact I just insulted the most important material possession in his life, he held the door open for me as I walked in, heading straight over to the couch where I dropped down letting out a tired moan.

I could tell Alessio was trying to see the humorous side to everything I said today because otherwise we would have ended up arguing by now. Apart from that night when went to his parents house for dinner I've completely avoided him like the plague. All I could think about was what he meant by what he said. I wouldn't put it past him to try and take my baby after I have it.

"I'll only be a few minutes then we'll go home, I know you're tired." I rolled my eyes at his words and leaned back against the couch closing my eyes, however my moment of peace was quickly interrupted when there was a knock at the door. Seconds later the door opened and I cracked my eyes open watching the four figures come in, instantly recognising Tomasso, Eli, Mason and Thea.

"Luciana!" I jumped at the volume she used when Thea called my name, coming over to me causing me to force a smile onto my face. "Sorry, I just got excited when I saw the bump." She gave me a sheepish smile taking a seat next to me on the couch as the three men now focussed on my bump like it was the most interesting thing in the world. To me it was but they didn't need to look at it.

I know I'm a bitch. Sue me.

"What are you doing here Luciana? I haven't seen you since..."

"Since Alessio told you he didn't want me to be his girlfriend? Yeah I remember." She frowned at my harsh tone causing me to let out a sigh which was the only sound in the now awkwardly silent room. "I'm sorry, we just came from the doctors and I'm absolutely exhausted-"

"It's okay, don't worry, I'm used to it from them." She nodded her head towards Alessio, Tomasso, Eli and Mason as she gave me a small smile before standing to her feet, holding her hand out for me. "Come with me, you look like you could use a pick me up." I eyed her hand warily for a moment before taking it, allowing her to help me up off the couch. A glare on Alessio's face caught my eye but before he could say anything Thea beat him to it. "We'll be in the kitchen, take your time. She's fine with me."

With that she took my hand again practically dragging me out of the tense office and the second the door slammed shut behind us she released a breath. "I'm telling you Luciana, it's not easy dealing with those four men everyday. You saved me big time, I did not want to be part of that meeting."

"I can imagine, I don't know how you've done it for so long." She gave me a small smile as we walked towards the kitchen, this time as we passed any of the men they all nodded in respect towards her while still lowering their gaze when they saw me. "I guess I'm used to it. We've been friends from a young age so I grew up with them. They're my family."

I couldn't help but smile at the love and happiness in her tone when she spoke the last words. That was one thing I always respected about the mafia; it didn't matter if you were blood or not, family is family.

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