Chapter 1 - Let's Just Get This Night Over With

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~ Luciana's POV ~

"Your date?" He nodded and stepped closer to me while I just sat there in shock. I definitely didn't expect that.

"What makes you think I will agree to that? Once again, I have to remind you that you've kidnapped me." He rolled his eyes at my words and knelt down infront of me, his brown eyes with light brown, almost gold, flecks even closer than before.

"I'll leave you alone after this. You have my word." I could tell he was being sincere, and although I knew he was dangerous, I had this feeling that to someone like him, his word meant a lot.

"I don't even know your name..." My voice was a lot quieter when a small smile tugged at his plump lips. "It's Alessio, amore mio." (My love)

Anyway, that's how I ended up a few hours later being poked and prodded by two Italian women who were determined to make sure I looked nothing like I did when they first met me. When I agreed to go to the 'gala' with him, Alessio had someone show me to a room upstairs where my torture would begin. The two women were already inside waiting for me, like he had basically planned this whole thing.

"Take off your clothes." I rose an eyebrow at the one woman with long brown hair who was staring at me with disgust evident on her face. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I said take off your clothes. Now." She stepped closer to me gesturing at my dress causing me to step back before slowly removing my dress from last night leaving me in my matching black underwear set. Thankfully I made sure to match last night.

"And the rest." I turned to the other one who was busy preparing what looked like a waxing set while absentmindedly gesturing to my underwear. "When you're done, lie down." I nervously watched her as I removed the last pieces of clothing and lay down on the bed.

I'd been waxed everywhere before, but it definitely wasn't something that I would voluntarily do again. Especially after the last time I kicked the woman in the face when she tried to remove my hair...down there.

But I guess this time I didn't have a choice.

After I had managed to silently get through the torture of a full body wax, I took a shower. I let the cool water cascade over my body soothing my skin which was aching from the torture I had just been put through. Nothing about the last 24 hours has been easy, but I didn't expect it to end up like this, me going on a 'date' with someone who kidnapped me. I know I don't know anything about the people I'm dealing with, but there's definitely a lot of ideas going through my head. They're Italian, rich and presumably violent - just not towards me, and they know my father.

The memories I had of my father were vague, apart from the few that come back to haunt me in my sleep. The images of him hurting us, especially my mom, never leave my mind. I'm twenty three now and I still can't forget the relief I felt when my mom finally had the courage to separate from him, but also the fear that one day he would come back to find us.

Since then my relationship with my mother hasn't been the best. Sure she loves me and I love her, but I can tell the things he put her through had a huge impact on her, and she feels guilty for letting my brother and I experience what we had to. As soon as he was able to my older brother, Carlos, left home, I hardly see him now but I know whenever I need him he'll be there for me. When I was able to, I moved out as well, something that made my mom extremely happy - it finally gave her the peace she always wanted.

The only thing I took from my experiences in Italy is that I want to avoid any similar situations from ever happening again. If I can manage that, I know I'll be okay.

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